My name is... - FINALE

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You lay in the hospital bed; your breath barely steady, your body aching from the pain. Your eyes open the smallest bit, looking at the ceiling as the monitor beeps slowly. The only sounds that you could hear was the monitor and your own heartbeat; you couldn't hear anything else is you wanted to.
"Alex, cmon!" You yelled ahead of him.

"[name] you're too fast, wait up!" He said with shortness of breath.

"This way!"
You gasped for air, feeling your organs collapsing inside of you. You counted in your head, not being able to do anything else. Dying, dying, dying, dying, DEAD! The monitor still beeped. Damn..

You wanted to go already. You knew that you had a spit waiting for you, you could see it. Your father, your mother, your brothers, your daughter whom died at birth not but three days ago. They were waiting for you at the table. You were the last person in the family alive. They waited patiently to eat their meal in hopes they would be able to eat it with you.
"Just up here, cmon!" You yelled from the ladder, already midway up. You stepped inside the treehouse, waiting for Alexander. He collapsed onto the treehouse floor, catching his breath quickly. "Lazybones."

"You run so fast!" He says.

"I have something to show you, get over here!" You said, pulling him to a small table with pillows scattered around it. Coloring books, sheet music, and crayons lay everywhere.
You clenched your hand weakly, trying to use all your strength til there was none left. Give up give up give up give up, cmon! You thought, trying to die. Damned hospital equipment! Making me stay alive even though I don't want this suffering!

The lights got brighter as you shut your eyes tight, but you knew you hadn't passed yet.
"I wrote you a song!" You told Alex. Alex's eyes lit up.

"Can I hear it?"
You realized something. Alex. Your best friend since the very beginning. You and him had been through a lot of shit, and survived it. You smile at the final thought of him.

"Alexander Hamilton..." You sang weakly and hoarsely. The monitor slowed. "My name is Alexander Hamilton..and there's a million thing so haven't done..but just you wait.."

"Just you wait."
"Hamilton x reader oneshots" has been brought to a close. Thank you all so much for reading this book. May this last for years to come

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