Tailor's eye - soulmate!Hercules Mulligan x soulmate!reader (modern AU)

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I just realized I haven't done a oneshot for mAH BOI HERC


Herc: *from crowd* tHAT'S MAH MAIN MAN UP THERE

John: Hercules chill

....boi you just tell mah main man to chill?

John: ...

Hercules: *looks at me*

*looks at him*

Both: *exchanges glances*


John: aAH
Can you pass the thread B59?

It's not like I haven't memorized the phrase by now. It's been tattooed to my wrist since I was 10. I've been waiting for the day when I knew the meaning.

It was my first day at the tailor shop. I had recently gotten a job there, and thankfully when I needed a job most. I barely had enough money to pay the bills, let alone feed myself. I heard they payed good, and I was pretty good at sewing. I thought at once when I saw the Ad that this would be my chance to figure out what the phrase on my wrist meant. It said thread, didn't it?

I walk into the shop, suddenly being surrounded by beautiful woven blankets, dresses, suits, etc. An old man, sorta looking like the one from Beaty and the Beast, comes out from the back, a newspaper in his hand.

Not to be rude, but what is this, 1776? I ask myself. (nEW YORK CITY! PARDON ARE YOU AARON BUR SIR- ok I'll stop)

"Oh hello!" The man says. I suddenly snap out of my daze. "May I help you?"

"Um, yes." I say, bringing out name tag. "I'm [name] Hamilton, I got a job here recently? This is my first day."


"Ah! The new recruit!" He says. "I would have my apprentice show you around, but he's out today. So I will!"

Oh goodie.

After a short tour of the shop, he sets me up with a small piles of clothes.

"These are the clothes that you need to mend." He says. "After words I set you up with some patterns to cut out and some fabrics."

I nod. "On each piece of clothing, there's a tag on the collar, waist, something along those grounds." He continues. "On each tag it says what needs to be mended, like under right sleeve, or bottom left pant leg. That sort of thing."

I nod again. "It'll also tell you on the tag what color of thread to use, like if it says G6, that shelf over there-" He points to a long shelf on my right, "-will have a coding on it. It has the grid codes. You just look 6 over and go to row G and you'll find the thread." He demonstrates and picks up a banana yellow thread.

I nod once more. "There's a full alphabet on the grid and the numbers go from zero to 70. If you need any help, just holler, ok?"

"Ok." I answer. He smiles.

"Good! These won't take you long, trust me." And with that, he leaves. I look at the first tag, it was attached to a long baby blue dress.

Right side bust seam.
Thread V58

Whoo boy.

After the 6th suit, I had about had it. Right side bust seam, left side pant seam, thread H22, thread K69, so. Many. Threads. It kILLS ME. Suddenly I hear someone bust through the door.

"Sir, I am so sorry that I wasn't here for most of the day, please forgive me." A man said. My wrist suddenly burned with a great pain, but I tried to ignore it.

"It's alright, Hercules." My boss said. "I've been having the new recruit help. Hercules, this is [name]."

He looks at me simply, giving me a nod. I nod back, confused. Why not say 'hello?'. Or at least wave. Whatever. I got back to sewing.

A few minutes later I heard another sewing machine whirl. I turn around to see the man - Hercules boss said his name was - working on his own pile of clothes. I shrug, going back around. I suddenly heard a voice.

"Could you pass the thread B59?" He asks. I roll my chair over to the cupboard. My wrist starting burning the the pits of hell itself, but I tried not to give it attention.

"The rose red one, right?" I ask him. He suddenly freezes. He turns around, staring at me. He lifts his wrist, showing it to me. It said The rose red one, right? It changed from white to [eye color]. I look at my own wrist. It said - not like I didn't memorize it, but still - Could you pass the thread B59? I had just realized he said that to me. The phrase goes from white to dark brown.

"What..what does that mean?" I ask.

"My Nana said that when a phrase randomly pops onto your skin, it means that you've been assigned a soulmate." He says. "The words written on your skin are the first words your soulmate says to you. Vice versa for the soulmate."

I freeze in shock. This was quite a load to take. Wake up perfectly normal, single, ready for a new job, them BING BAM BOOM suddenly there's a hot guy in front of me saying that him and I need to date.

"So..what now?" I ask.

"During lunch break do you want to go get to know each other?" He asks. "Maybe over coffee or something?'

I think for a minute. This could be my chance to finally go out into the dating world, get a boyfriend, and be happy. Or I could decline, grow old with 30 cats, and die alone.

I shrug. "Sure, why not."

"Were you just planning the rest of your life right then?"

"The basics, yes."





"I asked as I joke."

"And I took it seriously."

"And that's why your amazing."

"Wait, what?"

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