The night we met - George Washington x reader PRT 2

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"Pop?" I hear from the hallway. I turn my head from its place on my pillow to see my daughter, [name]. I smile, about to get up.

"[name]." I said. She rushes to me and starts getting me into bed again.

"Pop, you need to stay in bed, we've gone over this over the phone." She said. "How are you feeling?"

"Oh, same old, same old." I said. "Old. Tired. Wanting to go out and do things."

"We both know that's not what the doctor told you to do." She said, getting a bottle of water out of her purse. She puts it next to me. "You had a stroke, for god's sake, stay in bed, get better before you go out again."

I chuckle. "You know, you're just like your mother." I said. She pauses for a moment before she looks me in the eye.

"Can you tell me about her?" She asked. "Just a bit more?"

I smile. "She was just like you. Ambitious, ruthless, yet kind in every way." I said, remembering the thought of my [name]. "God, she was a masterpiece. Women like her aren't made like that anymore."

[name]'s brown eyes start crying as she held my hand. I put my hand up to her cheek, rubbing away her tears.

"If she were here right now, she would smile." I said, enunciating the word smile. She grins, ear to ear. "She would be so proud of you, she wouldn't be able to stop hugging you and telling you how much you make her proud and...." I pause, anticipation showing in [name]'s eyes. " much she loved you."

[name] lays her head on the bed next to me, closing her eyes. I smiled. If my love, my sweet [name] were here right now, that would be enough. My daughter stands, wiping her eyes and tying her hair back. Her hair had gotten very frizzy since she was little.

"I have t-to go, pop." She said. "I promised Alex that I would meet him later."

I groan playfully. "You and that boy!" I say. She giggles. "You two have been dating since freshman year, you are twenty now! Marry him already!"

"In due time, pop!" She said. Then she whispers, "Plus I'm pretty sure that's what he called me over for this time. Wish me luck!"

She smiled from ear to ear, holding up two thumbs. She looked so much like her mother, it was heart breaking.

"I'll be here when you come back, you can count on that." I say.

"Be good!" She says. "Don't try to get up!"

I sigh. I've been thinking about my [name] everyday now, and lately it's just been getting worse. I wish I would've known the cruel idiot that stepped on her life support cord, I would grab them by the neck and throw them out the window.

I'm too old for that now. God, just last week I had a stroke. Next thing you know, I'm going to get a heart attack or a kidney stone. Being old sucks, kids, don't do it.

I suddenly feel the light waver. My eyesight goes blurry. I try to reach for the phone but-

A few hours later, your daughter's pov

I was giggling frantically. He had asked me to marry him! I was going to be [name] Washington-Hamilton!! I unlock the door to pop's place and walk in, closing the door behind me.

"Pop! I'm back!" I yell out. No answer. Just a feeling of a lifeless emptiness. "Pop?"

I walk into his room. He was halfway sprawled on the floor, his hand near the phone. I rush to him.

"Pop!!" I scream. I grab his hand, checking his pulse. Nothing. I bring him onto the bed. I check his heartbeat. Nothing. I reach for the phone, dialing an emergency number.

"Please! My dad, he's passed out! There's no pulse, no heartbeat, his monitor has flatlined!" I scream into the phone. Minutes later, the paramedics were there. It was no later than an hour later they declared him dead. Alex had come by my side, comforting me as I cried. They're dead. They're both dead, gone, passed, they no longer exist. My parents. Are. Gone.

Years later

I stood in front of my father and my mother's graves. Alex and our first child, George, were running around the field. Pop never liked cemeteries, he told me that mom had never liked them either, so when they died they wanted to be buried on the hill where they first met. I smiled sadly.

"H-hey pop." I said. "Hey mom."

No answer.

"It's been a while." I au. "I've been carrying on your legacy and telling your stories. George and Alex are going great. Recently George tried to wear your old clothes that I got from you. He looked so adorable, he looks just like you when you were younger."

Alex looked over to me, smiling. He called over George and sat down in front of my parents graves. I slowly do the same.

"Hi, Mr. And Mrs. Washington." Alex says. He had tied his hair up in a bun in the back. George had short, brown hair like my father when he was younger and hazels eyes. I smiled at them. "I'm taking good care of your daughter. She is the best woman I've ever met. I hope that someday I'll get to meet you - but not today?0! I don't want to leave my beautiful family just yet."

I chuckle. George leans against me, his ear to my stomach. He giggles, kicking his legs a bit.

"I'm going to have my second child in a few months." I said. "If it's a girl, I'm going to name her after you, mom. If it's a boy, I might name it after Alex's best friend, John."

"But not John Church, John Laurens, I hate John Church." He says, grumbling the last few words. I laugh.

"We just wanted to visit you, like pop and I used to visit you, mom." I said.

George's pov (Washington)

I look over at [name], Alex, and their son. I smiled sadly. My beautiful wife, [name] walked up behind me, holding my shoulders. I laughed as Alex said he hated John Church. I turn to [name], looking her in her [color] eyes.

"I've been waiting to see you for forever."

"I missed you too." She said, hugging me tightly. "I love you, George."

"I love you too, my love."

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