Dont say a word - Laurens + Lafayette

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"No more, Gilbert!" You screamed into the house, stomping up the stairs.

"I'm sorry, mon amour, I did not know!"

"Didn't know? Didn't know?!" You yelled from the hall. "I thought it was a universal term not to cheat on your lover with another guy!"

"And it had to be Hercules of all people!" You continued, taking you stuff and shoving it in a suitcase. You stare at the promise ring he gave you. You gathered your things to become face to face with Lafayette. He opens his mouth when you slap your mouth over it. "Don't say a mother fucking word."

You walk down the stairs to hear his voice again. "Where will you go?! Alex and Eliza have a child, he can't take care of you like a child anymore!"

"I don't want to hear it!" You screamed. "If you say one more word you'd be as dead as the Aristocrats in the Rain of Terror!"

He immediately shuts his mouth. "That's what I thought." And you slammed the door behind you. He opens the door. "What."

"At least take the car."


Your exit would've been much more dramatic if you had taken the car keys.

You snatch them out of his hand. "I thought you loved me." You said, looking him up and down.

He sighed. "I thought I did too."

"Y'know, I've been rejected a lot in my life." You said. "[name], I love you but; [name], I love you but I'm having an affair, [name], I love you but not in that way, [name].."

You choke on your words. "[name], daddy loves you but he can't come home for the holidays for the fifteenth year in a row, [name], I love you but I'm.." You stop. "Let it be known that your the man you turned down not only a person, but a family. Alex will hate you."

"No he won't-"

"He holds a grudge like hell." You cut him off. "Good bye, Gilbert. Have a good life."

You throw your stuff into the car, running over the mailbox as you drive. You start to cry as you drive, throwing the promise ring out of the car window angrily. Where would you go? You had about $300 USD and a credit card that you knew he would cancel since he had access to your bank account. You had who knows how much clothes and barely any necessities. Your phone rings.


You immediately answer, pulling over. "John? Can you hear me?"

"[name], are you ok? You sound frantic."

"John, I need your help. Can I come over?"

"[name], what's going on? Laf told me you stormed out with your shit and just drove away."

"Please, John." You rubbed the tears out of your eyes. "I'll tell you everything, I just need to come over."

"Of course. Come on over."

Right then, you almost missed his driveway, parking next to his pick-up. You run to the front door, knocking loudly. The door opened, John standing there wide eyed as tears flowed down your face.


"He cheated on me.." You cried. You latch onto his neck like a little kid, crying onto his shoulder. He hugged you back, his body pressing against yours as you hug him tight. After calming down, you both sat on the couch and told him everything.

"That bastard!" He yelled. "Who the fuck would do that?! And not know that it was a fucking universal term?!?!"

"All I know is that I can't face him again."

"Stay here as long as you need." He said. "You don't have to pay rent, you don't have to buy food, just provide for yourself. Get back on your feet and decided what to do next."

"John, I..." You trail off. "Thank you so much."

"It's no problem, [name]." He said. "Would you like something to drink?"
He showed you to your room, helping you unpack your stuff and settling in. That night, you laid on the bed, trying to find comfort in the cold sheets. No use. You sat up, finding comfort in the moon shining into your room as if it were the sun. You grabbed your book bag from the closet, and reached in, bringing out a small, blue and green velvet mag with a tasseled drawstring. You put down the book bag, opening the drawstring and grabbing a handful of gems.

Amethysts, Quartz, even a few Tanzanites. You laid them onto the windowsill, letting them shine into the room. You sat on your bed again, look at the reflection of pink, blue, and purple lights it cast on each wall. You sat, staring at those walls for hours until a knock sounded at the door. "Come in."

"Why are you still up?" John asks, entering and shutting the door. He lightly gasps at the lights shining on the wall. "It's so beautiful."

"Sit with me." You said, patting the bed next to you. He sat, his turtle pajama pants tightening around his thighs and he got comfortable. "Lafayette and I used to sit up at night, staring at the lights. He knew I loved crystals; gems in general; so he collected them. One time he saved enough money to buy me a small handful of Tanzanites. I still have them."

You sighed. "I know he'll be happy with Hercules. Hercules could offer him things I couldn't."

"Like what?"

"A strong man to help him with things, cooking, well earned pay to afford more than just mortgage and bills." You said. "They'll be happy."

"So can you." Said John, bewildered at your self degrading proclamation. "You're beautiful, witty, funny. It's personality that counts. True love isn't just money and muscle. There's more to it. Mind overcomes strength in the end.

[name], you have a complex personality. You're not just one stereotypical personality. You can't be summed down to one word. Just one thing your interested in, could be worth a million words. And just because you're not perfect on the outside, who cares? No one is. Nothing is perfect, just perfectly flawed.

So I'm not gonna go all cheesy and say 'you're perfect in my eyes' and try to push you up with things that have been said a million times before. I'm going to say this: you are perfectly flawed in your own way, and that's fine. In fact, that's amazing. Very few people are like that anymore, they lack the heart and soul to have it."

His speech left you breathless. You gulped, trying to make some use of your dry mouth. "All I'm saying is.." He continues, "They are flawed in all the wrong ways; toxic ways, even; and you are perfectly flawed in every way.

So don't let it get you down that you don't have something another person does have. It doesn't mean that they are the better person."

You turn to him, shocked at his beautiful words. He chuckles. "Is something wrong."

You lean closer, locking your lips with him for a short moment. You break it off to stare into his chocolate brown eyes. "Thank you John."

He turns flustered immediately, not knowing what to do. "You're beautiful..." He mutters without breath, pushing you down onto the bed.

Hamilton x reader oneshots (FINISHED)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن