Barer of bad news

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Ellie pov

I was fighting pretty well. Until now.

The manticore is not a monster you want to meet. Or the Hydra. Or the sphinx. Or an empusa. Or the Chimera. Or Stheno and Euryale. Or the minotaur. Or Echidna. Or the nemean lion.

Well I had all of them.

All of them attack at once. The Manticore shoots a spike at me that ends up in my right leg. The Hydra snapps it's jaws at me and got my leg. The empusa stabs me in the right side with a spear. The minotaur stabs me in my left side with its horn. The nemeon lion claws my back. The Chimara, Enchidna, Stheno, Euryale, and the sphinx all watch.

That was until the sphinx says, "Enough our master wanted her alive so she will get there alive. If anyone is against that they are also against me and my claws. Got that?"

They all nod and the Hydra, who is holding me upside down by my leg, drops me. I fall to the ground with a thud. I grown.

"Now wait until you see the master. She will show you more pain than before." The sphinx says.

The sphinx picks me up with her claws and that is when I black out.


My eyes open to see an abandoned building. I am upside down hanging from the ceiling.

Well you are finally awake. Just in time for the show too. You got beat up more by those monster than I would of liked but oh well. What are you to do?

I recognize that voice.






























I would have loved to torcher you some more when you fell in again, but oh well. Nyx found you. I would have loved to torcher you a fourth time. After all you did fall in four times.

That is something I have trusted with no one. Not even Percy. Three of them were before I found my way to camp half blood. I don't like to think about it.

Your friends will be coming for you soon. If you are even alive when they get here.

Is he going to kill me?

No I am not going to kill you. Those wounds will kill you before I will.

With that he walks out, and I black out again.

Even Later

Beep... Beep... Beep... Beep...

What is that beeping noise?

I open my eyes to see I am in an infirmary. A boy with untamible black hair is on one of the other beds in there. A man with long black hair  is in the chair next to the boy's bed. A man with long blond hair is sleeping in the chair next to mine.

Where am I?

Who are these people?

Who am I?


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