Trust is a powerful thing

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Ellie pov

I am leaning against my door. "Jarvis! Tell Steve and the others this message. 'Trust is a powerful thing. That is why I trust you will do the right thing. There are people in the tower that aren't who they say they are.'"

"Yes mam." Jarvis says.

"And Jarvis? Activate the security measure that I installed for my room." I say.

"Yes mam." He says.

I grab everything that I need from my room and put it in a bag. I swing the bag over my shoulder. I walk over to the window and open it. It's now or never...

I jump out the window...

Steve's pov

I was sleeping when Jarvis woke me up. I didn't really get time to processes the message before I saw something streak past my window. I grab my shield and run to the window.

I guess that was a good call because that streak was Ellie.

Fake Percy pov

I bust into her room to see it empty and her not there. I step in the room and look around.

Then the beeping started. To be truthful it was the most annoying sound in the world.

I go over to the wall and take a tile off. I look in it and I see explosives.

I start to run out of the room but when I got in the middle of the room it exploded.

Narater pov

An explosion racked the building. Part of the tower started to lean.

People were looking at the tower. Then they noticed two falling figures. Well one person noticed.

Steve pov.

I was gaining speed trying to catch Ellie. I succeeded and I wrapped my arms around her waist. I braised for impact.

But the impact never came. I look up and see a red and black figure hanging on to both me and the building.

"Just your friendly neighborhood Spiderman." The figure says.

He swings us in an open window and he swings away.

Tony barges in the room and says, "What the hell happened? Who blew up my tower? And Why?"

The Avengers, the Silent girl, and Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now