Getting some of my memories back

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Ellie pov

I slip into a dream.

I am walking along the forest when I see a half goat half man running with a boy. There is a man bull chasing them.

The half goat half man trips and hits his head. I hear him moan out something like food.

The boy breaks of one of the horns off of the man bull and stabs it with it.

The man bull turns to gold dust and the boy faints.

I am hearded into a different one.

I am sitting at a table next to the kid from before. The table has a plate with familiar blue cookies. I reach out to grab one and a woman comes in.

"Not before you eat supper Ellie. That goes for you too Percy." She says looking at the boy.

The boy looks at me with a lopsided smile and I smirk.

I am tossed into another one.

I am in a car with the woman, the boy and two girls. One has blond hair and grey eyes. The other has black hair and electric blue eyes. 

"So what did Grover say again?" The blond asks.

"Well, Wise Girl he said he found two demigods." The black haired on says.

"Two?" The boy says.

"Yes that is what the number is seaweed brain." The black haired on says.

"Pinecone face." The boy says.

Another dream.

I am standing in a place with so many other people. The three kids that were in the car with me are here.

We are in a stand off with a lot of monsters. The blond says, "Luke you don't have to do this."

"Luke is dead. It is just me now." A man says.

The monsters come forward.

The dream change again.

I am sitting near the lake watching the boy and the blond.

They are talking and then they kiss. I can tell a smile is creeping on my face.

Then a girl comes out of the woods. Following her are a group of people.

They throw the two in the lake.

I can feel myself chuckle.

I feel myself wake up. I look at the sealing. What did that mean?

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