The captured

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Percy pov

I open my eyes after waking from sleep. Bright light! I close my eyes. Uhhh... where am I?

Oh yeah... I got kidnapped... well this is fun...

I open my eyes back up and look around.

My eyes fall on something that I thought I wouldn't see for a very long time.

Frank's bow...

What is it doing here? The last time I knew it was put in the attic of the big house with all the other relics. Annabeth's baseball cap, Jason's sword coin, Festus's head, Leo's repair belt, Hazel's Spatha, Frank's stick, and Piper's Katoptris.

I look around some more and see a door. Now I know what you are thinking what is so special about a door. And don't you deny it. I know you did. You can't convince me otherwise.

Well let me tell you about this door. If you have figured out this is no ordinary door. The door is made of celestial bronze. Around it are some runes in Greek and Latin. The words say 'Those who are not worthy cannot pass through this door. Those without a good heart may not leave this room. Only those who are of good intentions may free one of this place.'

Well this should be okay for me. I have a good heart.

I get up and walk over to the door and pull on it.

And it opens!

Who am I kidding...

With my luck the door stays shut. No matter how hard I pull it just won't budge.

What did I do wrong!

Maybe it was because I caused so many deaths... so many that could have been alive. I should of died not them... they should be the ones still alive. I don't deserve to live. I couldn't save them. I am a bad person. Maybe I should just give up. No one will miss me anyway. I am completely and utterly useless. I am a failure.

The door suddenly opens and I am throne against the wall. It hurts but I don't get up. I don't deserve to get up. All I deserve is to sit against this cold hard wall. The world can go on without me anyway. And Loki... he could do so much better than me. I don't even deserve to have him.

"I can see the look in your eyes. And you are completely right. You are useless. You break everything you touch." The person says.

I look up.


It can't be!

I saw him die!

Frank Zang cannot still be alive!

"I have the perfict way to get back at you... you have new friends... I will get to you through them... the perfict torcher..." He says.

"What... what are you?" I ask.

"You were always said to be very stupid but you are smarter than you look. I don't think a child of Athena could it figure out as fast as you did. But you are right. I am not the real Frank. He is still in the underworld. Of course my friends are the same way. You can come in guys." Fake Frank says over his shoulder.

The door opens again and a fake Hazel and a fake Leo come through the doors.

"We did count on Ellie being a little better at picking us up than you did so that is why one of is looks like Leo. That should throw her off for the time being." Fake Frank says.

"You are crazy! The avengers might not have known the real Frank, Hazel, and Leo but Ellie did. She will be able to tell the difference! You will never carry out your plan!" I yell at them.

"Oh don't count on it. We have hundreds of us and..." Frank whisles, "We are having one go in as you. See... you can't win. After we take down the Avengers we will go to SHIELD. After we take down SHIELD we will go to Hydra. After that we will take over the world. And with you in here... there is no one who can stop us."

A person walks in and walks up to me. The person touches my face and turns into me.

"Your mind is a very dark thing. A lot of blood and death in there. It is a wonder how you are still sane. Well... after this you won't be." Fake me says.

All Four of them give me a sick evil smile and walk out of the room.

What are they planing?

The Avengers, the Silent girl, and Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now