Jack Frost who?

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You soon let the kids home, and dropped Jamie off at his house, bidding a farewell to the Bennett family. You headed straight home. On the way back you smiled up at the jet black sky, the only light was the full moon shining down. The kids made you happy today. Actually happy.

You reached up to your house and you were about to unlock the door when you saw another flash of blue go past you. You turn, looking around the neighborhood but nothing was there. You shuddered slightly, as you suddenly felt the air grow colder, and you unlocked the door and went inside in the blink of an eye, but you still felt the presence of something, or someone, on you. It felt like someone was watching you..

You threw your keys on the counter in the Kitchen, and went upstairs to change. You took off your outfit and changed into some pajamas. You brushed out your hair and went downstairs to lock the door. You ate dinner and then went back upstairs to your room to go to bed. You let a yawn escape your mouth as you stretched in your pajamas, and you shivered, making you stop. The heating was on, so it should be warm in here, but as you turned, you let out a small yelp. You specifically remember shutting and locking the window this morning, so it didn't make sense to see your window hanging wide open, letting in the cold wind and some snowflakes.

Your heart rate sped up like a train as you saw a pattern of frost lay plastered on the glass of the window frame, making you take in a shaky breath. You looked around your room. No one was in here, but who else could've open your window when it was locked?

You approached the window cautiously, and you were about to close it until you looked straight into a pair of ice blue eyes. A piercing scream escaped your lips as you backed away from the window, bumping into your dresser and falling down.

There was a boy. The boy you saw at the lake. The same white hair, same pale skin, blue eyes, blue hoodie. His eyes widened out of shock, and he didn't a smooth backflip into your room, as he was upside down in the first place. You slowly got up from the floor, preparing for a fight as your knees buckled slightly. He was tall, or much taller than you at least.

"Who are you, and why the heck are you in my house?!" You ask him, pointing your hairbrush at him. Like a hairbrush will do anything, right? The boy didn't seem to be armed with any weapons, but he did carry a wooden staff that hooked at the end. You eyed him carefully. But the boy was taken aback.

"You can see me?!" He asked, almost in disbelief.

    You raised an eyebrow, "..Yes?.. You're not exactly hiding very well if this is hide n' seek," you stated back at him.

     "She can see me.." he said to himself, almost in shock, and then his face broke into an endless smile, "She can see me!" The boy did a backflip, which you admitted was impressive because you can't even do a cartwheel, and he landed back on his bare feet.

     "Sorry to interrupt this.. reunion you're having with yourself but, am I not supposed to see you, or?..." You trail off, but he understood you perfectly, almost as if he's gotten this question before before. You still had your guard up.

    "Okay, so I'm not exactly.. Human.. or alive.. Well I'm here but I'm not alive because I'm a Winter spirit," He stated. You both stared at each other for a minute or two in complete silence. Then you blinked. Twice even.

    "Uh.. What? A winter spirit?" You asked.

     He nodded, "I'm a Winter Spirit. Basically I died, and the Man In Moon resurrected me as a spirit, and I can spread snow, frost and ice everywhere. Basically I make Winter," he explained.

     "Oh, like Jack Frost?" You ask him. He smirked, almost started laughing.

    "Snowflake, I am Jack Frost,"

Snowflakes (Jack Frost x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now