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~*~ Jack POV
I struggled to get out of the Nightmares' grasps as I watched helplessly as Y/n fell apart. She had to choose between us and the children.

I wanted to smile at her. I knew what she would choose.

"I'll never tell you where the children are," she managed to say to Pitch. My heart smiled on the inside. She chose the right thing.

~*~ North POV
She chose right. I'm so proud of her. She is a Guardian beyond words, in her own special way..

~*~ Tooth POV
Aww, poor Y/n.. having to make these hard decisions. I'm not upset that she chose the children, though. I'm so proud of her. She's a strong girl that will make a great person. She is a great person. I'm a Guardian, and I'm not afraid to die for the children. I hope the others aren't..

~*~ Bunny POV
I listened to what Y/n just stated. I replayed it over in my mind, focusing hard. So this is it. Over seven hundred years and it all comes to an end. We have to fight! There's got to be another way out!

But there wasn't. I stopped struggling against the nightmares. I'm proud for the Sheila. She's like a Guardian, she's protecting the children. If it came down to that, I'm sure I would do the same..

~*~ Jack POV
Y/n was shaking badly as she turned to everyone,

"I'm sorry.. I'm so sorry," she cried. I wanted to hug her and tell her it was okay. But I couldn't.

Y/n turned to me, trembling as she cried, "Jack," she said. I listened with all my heart.

"I love-"

Y/b was blasted across the pond by Pitch and his sand, a small cry escaping her lips before she hit the ice and went limp as she fell through the waters.

My eyes were widened as I heaved,


I felt the power rushing as the anger in my chest didn't subside. Y/n. Y/n was gone. I destroyed the nightmares pinning me and froze them to the ground. I sent ice Pitch's way as he looked away and before he could react it hit him in the chest. I gritted my teeth in sadness and anger and gripped the staff as hard as I could and sent sparks of ice his way. It hit Pitch, and as he screamed he backed into his Nightmares.

He screeched at the Nightmares as they dragged him back to the ground, and I watched as they dragged him down and the ground sealed, Pitch's screams fading away.

Pitch was gone. Just like that.

The nightmares pinning the guardians dissolved and they got up quickly. Jamie crawled out of the bushes, crying along with Sophie.

"I have to go get her!" I suddenly yelled.

"Jack.." Tooth said gently. Their eyes flashed with immense sadness.

"Children first.." North stated quietly. I looked to Jamie and Sophie. A mess of Snot and tears from both of them, crying loudly as they'd just witnessed their friend die before Pitch.

I sighed out of frustration, "Y/n was a believer. She still counts! I could still save her!" I said quickly.

"But she is not child!" North argues, "You are a Guardian, you took an Oath!"

"And I'm upholding that! Y/n is our believer, and I know she's a child inside."

I ignored their protests as I jumped through the waters. The waters, what would normally feel freezing to others, felt normal to me as I pushed through. It was dark, so I just felt around until I felt a shirt. I grabbed the shirt, realizing it was Y/n and pulled her up. I swam with her body up the water and broke through, gasping as I hulled her onto the ice. I froze the ice to make sure t wouldn't break again.

I immediately started doing CPR, a skill I'd learned back then. I tried and tried, and when I listened to her heart, my own plummeted and sank.

I sighed and looked to the darkened sky, the full moon shining.

"She's gone."

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