Blushing and Denying

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~*~ Your POV
Your eyes snapped open to someone shaking you awake. You immediately looked to see Jack's icy blue eyes piercing into yours. He looked worried.

"What's going on?" You asked. Your voice was hoarse.

"You were screaming, we could hear you from the other room," Bunny answered.

"Did you get another nightmare?" Jack asked. You sat up and nodded, looking at the floor. The Guardians' expressions softened out of sympathy. You've been at the Pole for about a week now, and every time you fall asleep you receive a nightmare. It left you sleepless. You were so exhausted, but you were too afraid to fall asleep. Sandy has tried giving you dream sand for a good nights sleep, but every time he did it would change into the same nightmare over and over again; The Guardians dying. Your mother dying. Everyone. Dying.

"What does he want from me?" You managed to ask. You could hear the Guardians sigh as their eyes focused on you.

"We don't know.." North answered. "But what we can discuss is how we're going to defeat Pitch!"

"No, North. We haven't decided on this." Tooth interrupted.

"We aren't doing this," Bunny corrected. You just looked at them,

"Decided on what?"

The Guardians looked at you and stayed silent. You rolled your eyes,

"What plan did you guys think of this time?" You questioned.

"Well it's kind of hard to say," North started, but Tooth interrupted him.

"North wants to use you to get to Pitch!" Tooth said quickly and covered her moth with her hands. The other guardians just looked at her.

"Uh, What?" You asked. Not angrily, but just in curiosity.

"Well, this plan is the only option we have left, Y/n." North explained. "I'm the one who thought of it, but the reasons of using you to help fight off Pitch is the only way that won't hurt him, and that will leave everyone alone.. I don't want you to be uncomfortable or upset about this, but if you are, I'm responsible for this.."

Everyone had their eyes focused on you, but you just ran your fingers through your long brown hair and sighed,

"I don't understand why my dad has to torment everyone.." you said.

"Y/n it's okay.. if you don't want to.." Jack trailed off as he put a hand of support on your shoulder.

"No,I want to do this," You stated firmly, making the Guardians smile, "But I'm not sure if I'm ready," you added, and their smiles disappeared slightly.

"I understand.. But Y/n, we only have so long until we must make a decision," North said, his Russian accent rubbing through. You thought hard about it for a minute, and exhaled. Screw it.

You sighed, "Well right now I've got nothing left to lose, so I'm gonna wing it," you said, "I'll do it. Just tell me what to do."

The Guardians smiled and North cheered loudly, "You might as well be Guardian you're this helpful!!"

"No, North I don't think it's that extreme," Tooth said giggling.

"Yeah mate, don't push it, we're not getting another Guardian," Bunny added.

Jack nodded, "You're absolutely right, Kangaroo. I guess you're just done after you've got me. I'm that bodacious after all,"

Bunny scoffed, "I think it's because of how demented ya are, mate. You're the one who had to get help from children," he stated, smirking as he was proud of his comeback.

Jack nodded once more, "Fair enough, but you're the one who was being petted by the children."


Bunny just frowned, "Ah, rack off ya ankle-biter!" Jack just chuckled, his white teeth sparkling against the light as you swooned for a moment.

Jack shifted his gaze to yours and noticed your swooning and he grinned and winked at you. You quickly snapped back to reality, and rolled your eyes as he jumped and landed in front to you.

"Was that drool I saw?" He teased, motioning to my mouth.

You frowned, "Oh shut up you flying icebox!" You said sternly, but still wiped your mouth just in case. You attempted to push him, which didn't work at all, and he laughed.

"Well at least I can fly, and I have powers! So yes, I'm a flying icebox." He gloated. You rolled your eyes once more and ruffled his hair with your hand.

"Well there, I ruined your hair!" You tried your best to come up with a comeback but failed miserably. You barely saw a difference in his hair either. It was incredibly soft, you thought.

Jack smirked, "Snowflake, my hair is always like this; perfection and simply beautiful. There's nothing you can do to make it look bad!"

"Touché, mate, touché," You replied, crossing your arms and attempting an accent which failed. Jack's eyes trained on you as you began to blush. He just laughed,

"No one can resist this charming and dashing person," he mocked, motioning to himself.

    "Is that so?" You asked back. You internally cringed as you pushed him away playfully.

   He held his head high, "I know so!" He stated and he just flew back over to the Guardians. Meanwhile you decided to chat with the Yetis and Elves.

Even as you were talking to the yetis, you still blushed, thinking about Jack. You scoffed as a smile uncontrollably crawled to your lips. You tried to deny the thought that popped into your mind.

Jack Frost, what am I going to do with you?

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