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~*~ Your POV
"Danger? What type of danger?" You asked, not sure how to respond. Your hands were sweating as you waited for North's answer.

    He let out an exasperated sigh, "I don't know. Manny says the threat involves Pitch, so it's best that none of us go near him, no matter the situation. It's best we stay low until we can figure plan to get rid of him for good,"

   You only grew more confused at his words, and you were pretty sure everyone else noticed how North said it too.

   "For good? You want to kill him?" You managed to let the words escape your lips.

    Tooth shook her head, "No, Y/n. He's not alive, he's a spirit, like us. He won't die, but he just.. won't be here anymore.." she said carefully.

But he's-" you started but North put a hand up, stopping me from continuing. His eyes were soft and he was calm as he spoke.

   "Y/n, I know he's your father, but from the time he was with you and now, he's changed. He's dangerous, and even if he might not want to hurt you, he could still hurt us. He's a threat to everyone." He explained quietly.

    "He's my father," You defended, "I know him better than any of you. He may be evil but I know there's still good in his heart," you turned to everyone, "Maybe if I could just meet him-"

   "No, Y/n, it's too dangerous!" Tooth protested.

   "He won't hurt me!" You bellowed. You could feel anger boiling beneath your skin, "He will not hurt me," you repeated.

    "He's dangerous," Bunny said, now involved. "Sheila, I think you need to calm down. You're not understanding the circumstances-"

  You shook your head, "No, I understand completely. You want to get rid of my father without considering that he can change."

    "Y/n, we have considered it," Jack stepped in. He put a hand on your shoulder but you stepped back and shook it off.

    "He's good," You choked, tears brimming, "He's a good person."

    The guardians were silent as they stared, either sympathy or shock flashing in their spirited eyes. North took a deep breath,

    "Alright." He said.

   "What?" You asked, sniffling.

   North managed to pull a smile, "We won't get rid of Pitch for good."

    You stared at North in disbelief. A minute ago he had a complete different opinion!

   He continued, "he's your father. You're his daughter. I don't want you to go through this pain,"

    You wiped the tears away, or tried to, and watched as the others nodded their heads slowly in agreement.

   "We won't get rid of him, mate," Bunny reassured.

    Tooth nodded, "Our first priority is to protect the children of the world, and you are one of them. You might be a little older than a child, but your still one of our believers,"

    "But Y/n," North said, his voice in warning, "You are not the only child in this world. We are Guardians, and like Tooth said, we must protect all of them. If Pitch harms any of them, we must react."

  You only nodded, and as the room grew more silent you ran your fingers through your hair, "I, I'm going to uh, go away.." you stated, "I just need to think.."

    You walked away from them, and Tooth tried to flutter after you but North stopped her.

    "Let her go." He said quietly.

    You could feel their eyes on your back as you walked away.

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