Someplace to Run

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~*~ Jack POV
I sighed out of frustration, clutching my fists. Why did I have to do that?!

"I made her go away.." I mumbled.

"No, Jack, it's not your fault!" Tooth reassured, touching my shoulder gently. Baby tooth sat on my shoulder with a sad expression on her face. I sighed,

"Tooth.. I caused this. I shouldn't have been so hard on her.. I was just.. I was worried and I thought she got hurt.. If Y/n got hurt.."

I couldn't live with myself, I meant to say, but couldn't finish the sentence.

"You were just upset, mate. Don't be so hard on yourself," Bunny stated. North and the others nodded in agreement and I sighed,

"Okay well.. what now? Pitch got away and who knows where Y/n went to.."

    Tooth nodded, "She could be in danger!"

    "Well Guardians, we need to find her. Pitch broke her heart and she could be reckless right now. She has no one, and that leaves her vulnerable to Pitch. He could use her to get to the children. We should go out and find her," North explained.

    "But how? It'll be days before we find her if we don't look in the right places!" Bunny scratched his head in confusion. I looked at the ground, thinking hard.

    "Guys.." I mumbled, "What if we split up?"

   "What? That's exactly what Pitch wants!" Tooth protests, "We can't afford to split up after what just happened.

    "Let Pitch come! This is the only way! We'd be better at finding Y/n if we split up instead of looking as a group, that way if one of us finds Y/n we can take her back to the pole and send out the Northern Lights!" I explained. They thought about it for a second.

   "What else can we do?" Bunny asked, "There's gotta be another way! We are the last of what's standing in the way of Pitch! We can't lose each other," He stated sadly. He looked to Sandy, "Not again."

    Sandy nodded, putting a thumbs up as agreement.

  "I still think it's dangerous but we have to find her.." tooth mumbled, "So I agree with you Jack,"

   North nodded, "We must be careful. We are family. Y/n is family too."

   "I'll start in Burgess, I know the area best and Jamie might know something.." I state.

   The others nodded and chose their own locations.

   "Let's not die," Bunny tried to get some humor out.

    "Aw, thanks Kangaroo, you care about me. Y'know I've always thought of you as a brother," I cooed.

    Tooth giggled and North chuckled at my comment. I smirked at Bunny and he just frowned,

   "Okay moment over, let's get hoppin'!"

   ~*~ Your POV
You teleported to the lake of Burgess. This was your favorite place to go, growing up. You could tell it had meant something to you, and it always made you feel at peace. You watched as the moon shone brightly over the sky, stars alongside it, littering the dark abyss. You shivered slightly at the chilling breeze but blew it off as you contemplated on what to do.

You ran away from them. You're only protection. The Guardians. You ran away from the Guardians. How stupid were you?!

    You felt like a coward. You ran away for no reason. Sure, you were upset. You were pained, but that didn't give you the reason to run straight into danger.

"Ugh, Mom.." you groaned, "What am I going to do?" You asked, begging for an answer in return. But it never came. You thought of him.

You were sorry for Jack. You worried him and it was completely your fault. You thought of the funny times you've had together since you've stayed at the Pole. Like the time you both pranked Bunny with his own paint. He hated Jack for it, but let you off with a warning. Or that time Jack took you outside and you both had a massive snowball fight.

Or the other time when you were cuddled up by the fire, curled up on a couch with your head in Jack's lap, who kept you cooled off easily. That was a special night.. that was the night when..

You blushed.

That was the night when you realized you had feelings for him.

You felt foolish for thinking such a thing. You had a crush on Jack Frost. He would never return the feeling. Besides, even if he did, you were human, and he was a spirit. You would grow old and eventually die while he would stay the exact same age forever..

The thought made your heart swell.

You focused on something else. You had no where to go, you had no one to see.. you were alone for the time being.


Your eyes widened and you picked up your feet and ran through the forest. You pushed through tree branches and jumped over tree roots protruding from the ground, careful not to get hurt. You found yourself at the end of the forest and pushed through, revealing the town of Burgess, Pennsylvania. You smiled to yourself.

Your home was here. And you knew a certain kid that could help you out.


HOLY MIM!! We're at 200 reads! Thanks so much guys!

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