A Persuasive Neice

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Walking to the Studio with Violetta that morning, I tried not to make it obvious how anxious I was. German had asked me this morning if I would consider having a baby. I hadn't actually thought about it admittedly, so it came as a bit of a shock. He didn't ask for a definite answer, he just wanted to know if it would be considered. I told him that I would consider it, but you could tell by the look in his eye that was not what he wanted. I think he wanted a definite 'yes let's have a baby' type thing but I just don't know if I could deal with that. At least I said I would consider it! It's not as if I said no.

Violetta was particularly perky this morning so I tried to be enthusiastic so she didn't suspect anything was wrong but I was failing miserably as all I could think about is what German had asked.

"Angie?" says Violetta as she waved her arms in front of me, "Your really quiet, what's up?"

"Nothing!" I lie, trying to be as believable as possible.

"Yeah right." says Violetta stopping in front of me, "What's happened?"

"Nothing." I say shrugging again.

"Angie!" says Violetta furiously, "You told me you'd never lie to me!"

I can't say anything to that. I promised her I wouldn't lie again and so far I haven't, but I just don't know if I should tell her.

"Vilu.." I say, "I just can't talk about it."

"Why not?" says Violetta upset, "Is there something wrong with you and dad?"

"Vilu.." I try but she cuts me off.

"What did he do? What happened? Did he screw up? Oh Angie you have to forgive him!" Violetta was distressed.

"No! Violetta!" I say calming her down, "It's not that drastic!"

"Please Angie, please.... What did he do?" Violetta is worried sick and I really don't want her to be.

I don't want to say it too loud so I whisper it, "He asked about a baby."

"What?" says Violetta straining to get closer to me.

"He asked about a baby." I say a little louder.

"A ba-, A bab-" Violetta is trying to understand what I said as it was so quiet, "A BABY!"

"Violetta!" I say annoyed as she screamed it when she finally heard.

"Sorry." says Violetta in a hushed voice, "That's great!"

"No it's not!" I reply rather agitated at the situation.

"And why not?" says Violetta annoyed at me.

"I can't be a parent!" I say worried, "I couldn't cope!"

"SHUT UP!" screams Violetta.

"Violetta!" I say as everyone around us stares.

"NO!" screams Violetta, "You basically changed my life from the moment you stepped into it, your amazing! How can you think you won't cope?"

"Violetta," I say upset, "I don't know if it's right."

Violetta sighed.

"Look, my dad and my mom were great together, they had me didn't they? But my mom isn't here. You are. My dad loves you. My dad just wants another thing to bring you too together. Don't you want that too?"

"Violetta, you know I do. But to be siblings and cousins? Don't you think that's strange?"

"My whole life is strange Angie! It's mad and crazy but you know what? I wouldn't have it any other way."

Violetta hugs me tightly.

"I never had a mom Angie, be a mother, it will be the best thing!" Violetta is smiling the Cheshire cat grin both her and German have.

"Okay. Yes." I say without hesitation.

"Yes?" says Vilu jumping up and down, "YES!"

"Violetta! Calm down! What am I supposed to do now?" I ask confused.

"You run home and tell dad!" she says still jumping.

"I can't!" I cry, "I have a lesson!"

"Don't worry!" she says, "I'll run to the studio and tell Pablo there was an emergency! I'll tell him you'll be back for lunch and not to worry! Get home!"

Before I could even say anything, Violetta shot off down the road screaming, "TELL HIM NOW!"

I stood there for a moment watching Violetta run off down the road and then I knew what I had to do and I ran home.

How I don't like teaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora