A Push

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The nurse attached a band to my wrist that was printed with my information.

'Mrs Angeles Carrara- 02/02/1986

Arr: 03/06/2014 15:42

Due: 04/06/3014'

I stared at it for a moment as I was ushered to my room in a wheelchair. German took me there, with the softly spoken midwife leading our way.

When we arrived, the bed was made with a hospital gown on it.

"You'll have to change into the gown before we can determine how far gone you are." she says as we enter the room. "No one can see in, so feel free to change here with your husbands support but the bathroom is just there if you feel uncomfortable. Any issues, press the red button on the wall."

With that, she left and I was expected to change. German looks down at me, clearly expecting me to tell him what I'm going to do but I haven't a clue.

"Suppose I need to change," I say with deep breaths, "Help me?"

German doesn't reply, he just helps me. The pain seems to have completely stopped for a while and I'm hoping I can escape the pain long enough to get things done.

As I begin to dress, German supports my weight by having one hand around my waist and one supporting my back. I'm so glad to have him here right now, I need him more then ever.

I manage to dress without interruption and I'm rather relaxed despite the situation.

As we were done, German fetched the midwife who quickly came in and went about her business as I expect she does daily.

She did a few tests, observing the baby using the same device from the ultrasound, checking blood pressure and sending a device into me to see how far gone I was.

"You're dilated 5 centimeters but you have to get to 10 before the baby will come."

"So how long will we be?" asks German who sits beside me in the chair.

"I can't be too sure. It's different for every woman. It could be an hour, perhaps a few, perhaps even a day or so."

"A day?" I blurt out shocked.

"We'll just have to see." says the nurse with a small smile.

Once she leaves, German and I are left to wait. We don't know what to expect so we just talk and talk and nothing happens for some hours. At eight o clock, German said he had to go and check on Violetta and promptly left.

All alone in my room, I was left to myself. I did some puzzles and watched some tv, anything to pass the time. At eleven o clock, I wondered how much longer I'd be left here alone.

I hadn't had a contraction for some hours but suddenly the pain began to build up again, but at a much more dramatic pace.

Pain surged through me and I didn't know what to do. It cursed through me to fast for me to react, so I was in intense pain, unable to do anything.

I tried not to cry out, as it felt like I was being ripped apart, so I ended up muffling my cries in my pillow.

Then I remembered the red button. It wasn't too far behind me so I leaned back and tried to press it but suddenly a contraction hit and I screamed.

With that, a lady ran in the room and once she saw me, she pressed the red button anyway and my midwife flew in.

She came straight up and immediately checked me.

"It's time." she says with a small nod.

"It's time?" I say through frantic breaths, "It can't be! My husband-"

I'm cut off by an overwhelming contraction and the desire to push.

"I know he's not here, but you haven't got much choice, this baby is on the way."

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