A New Arrival

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We all sat at the table for dinner and I was starving. It's so nice being able to eat again.

German and I have been in hysterics all day about the baby being the size of a banana which is admittedly rather silly but I don't care. We are actually getting worse, with each of us pretending to be British with ridiculously annoying accents. We started that after I had my third cup of tea and German asked if I was secretly British.

All day we have been in constant laughter and we have only calmed down since Maca came for dinner. She came a few months ago and has already got a steady job and is quickly moving up in her company with her talent. German is in a similar business to her, so insisted she come and work with him, yet she was adamant she'd make her own path. Tonight we decided to invite her round for dinner and apparently everyone has announcements.

When she arrives, German immediately insists she work for him but she refuses immediately. German really wants to support her however so doesn't give up so easily.

Now that we are sat at the table and food is coming to us, the conversations begin to flow.

"Well," begins German, "I hear everyone has news."

Everyone's head nods in agreement, well, except mine because I've done nothing recently.

"Can I start?" asks Violetta squealing.

"Of course." says German happily.

"Well, as we all know, I leave the studio this year, but it seems I may not have too."

I'm confused and I work at the studio, so it must be baffling for everyone else.

"How?" asks Maca curious.

"Well, the studio are working closely with U-Mix and apparently they want 10 representatives of our year to stay behind for a few more years and help younger years. We'd support them, be judges, perform shows and have longer at the studio!" Violetta has a grin plastered to her face.

"That's great!" cries Olga.

"Is that what you want to do?" asks German.

"Yes!" sings Violetta, "Who knows what could happen when we leave? If I stay for longer then I'm with those I care about for longer! I'll do anything to keep us together a bit longer!"

"How long would you stay at the Studio?" I ask.

"Another four years! I'll be there until I'm 22!"

Germans face drops. I can tell exactly why as well. If Violetta stays there until she is 22, she will leave an adult, perhaps an adult with a boyfriend. This worries German. It's a good job he doesn't know what she gets up to already.

"That sounds fantastic!" I say enthusiastically. This means we can remain a family for longer, as I must admit I was expecting her to leave this year and never see us and tealeaf. Now I know we may have her another four years and I'm so happy. Perhaps, she won't want to leave then. I realise I sound like German but I can't bear the thought of life without her.

"What would you have to do to stay?" says Ramallo, who has been relatively silent until now.

"There is a competition, everyone I know is entering and the top 5 girls and boys will get to remain at the studio. It's reported that almost everyone who we've ever known is returning for the competition." Violetta sound worried.

"You'll be the first selected though!" says Maca elbowing Violetta who sits beside her.

Violetta laughs and elbows her back.

"Anyway!" sings Violetta, "Everyone else has news! What's yours Maca?"

"Mine," says Maca, "It's amazing news, especially for your dad."

"You're going to come work for me?" says German happily.

"Nope." says Maca, "but I will work with you."

German is intrigued, "I'm listening."

"One certain girl, with an excellent education that was paid for by her only good neighbour, now owns a company."

"You own the company?" says German almost choking.

"Yes. You would not believe how. The owner was failing and I was sailing through the levels. He recruited me to help him and his son fix the company. I did. The owner isn't old, but decided to retire. He was originally supposed to pass the company to his son, but his son admitted he didn't want it so it was given to me. I'm officially a millionaire and the owner of a company."

Maca was grinning ear to ear.

"How does this involve me?" says German gobsmacked.

"How would you feel about us combining our companies and making one family company?" says Maca with a glint in her eye.

"I'd say that you are on!" says German smiling.

Maca smiles back and raises a glass.

"To family." she says, and we all echo her phrase as our glasses clink.

"To family indeed," says German, "That brings me to my announcement."

"We are going to be adding a new member to the family very soon and I know we are all very excited, so I'd like to announce something we haven't told you all yet."

I'm confused. We haven't hid anything from them. Violetta shoots me a confused look.

"Yes, we didn't tell you that there would actually be two new arrivals!"

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