A Pyjama Picnic

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I'm being rocked back and forth so I open my eyes.

German is shaking me slightly, trying to wake me as nicely as possible. I can see the sun is bursting through the window and it blinds me slightly.

"Morning." I say still upset, my voice hoarse.

"Afternoon, actually." says German with his hands gently touching my face.

"Afternoon?" I croak. How long have I been asleep?

"It's about three o' clock. You've been asleep around twenty hours."

"What? Why?" I ask distressed over missing so much of the day.

"Because you seemed tired and I knew waking you up would mean you'd only have to face the day."

I sighed and I felt like crying again but no tears would come, instead I pulled myself up out of bed.

"Can I get anything for you? Do you want anything?" says German looking at me as I sit on the side of the bed.

"A hug."

German smiled sympathetically and then lifted me up into his embrace. He lifted me off the ground and held me tightly and I found his grip comforting. He wasn't going to let me go. Not ever.

"German," I whisper, "I'm hungry. What can I eat?"

"Whatever you want," says German in a hushed voice, "I will get you."

"Thank you." I whisper back, "Can I ask another thing?"

"Of course. Ask anything." says German as he gently places me down.

"I heard you speaking last night to everyone." German's face drops, "Who said they wanted 'nothing to do with this'?"

"It's not important." says German pulling me into him, "Let's forget all of that."

German seems rather agitated and I believe he is hiding something from me.

"German! Tell me now!" I say furious.

"Angie," he says tucking my hair behind my ear, "You don't need any more reasons to be upset."

"I need to know German." I say already heartbroken, "So I can deal with it now."

"Angelica said it." says German sadly, "I'm sorry Angie."

The words hit me and I really needed to cry, but with German standing in front of me, waiting to support me, I felt I couldn't.


German looks shocked. "Okay?" he says surprised.

"I'm all out of tears." I say sadly and German nods, "Can we just do something?"

"Yes," says German stroking the side of my face with the back of his hand, "What do you want to do?"

"I want to sit in the garden." I say seeing the sun in the window, "It's such a nice day."

"How about I make everything perfect whilst you change out of yesterdays clothes. I don't care what you want to wear, if you feel like it then wear your pyjamas!"

"I'd really like to wear my pyjamas." I say honestly.

"Then we shall have a pyjama picnic in the garden!" says German excitedly, "I will meet you in a moment."

German kisses me on the forehead and he dashes downstairs.

I decide to take it slowly as I don't have the energy to rush. I go in my draw and find a pair of pink spotty pyjamas that I got for Christmas but rarely wear and I realise that now is the ideal opportunity. I put them on and they are soft and warm.

Going downstairs, I can see German in the back garden placing food on the table. I come out to meet him and a grin spreads across his face.

"My pyjama princess," he says with a smile, "your picnic awaits!

I have to smile as I take a seat. German has prepared everything.

"How much did you make so quickly?" I say as I take a seat which German has pulled back for me.

"As much as possible, so you can eat what you feel like eating." says German happily.

"Don't tell me this is something the doctor said?" I say staring at him.

"The doctor may have said something about changing your diet temporarily to ensure you keep food down, but that is nothing to do with this!" Says German laughing.

"So you are telling me you're not trying to find out what food I can eat?" I say staring him down.

"I haven't told you anything about that, you figured it out for yourself."

I shake my head, he's ridiculously cute. Even if he won't accept it in his manly honour.

We are eating some foods and all have gone down well so far, when there is a knock at the door. German goes to the door and I hear a familiar voice.

"Please I have to speak to her."

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