A Terrible Taste

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After school that day, Violetta decided to come straight home so we could talk on the way back. Since I hadn't taught her today she hadn't had chance to ask me how anything went so she was clearly anxious to find out.

"So, spill it, how did it go?" says Violetta as we walk down the road.

"Great. Perfect. Fabulous. Brilliant." I say as I don't feel that just one will suffice.

"So, am I getting a brother or sister anytime soon?" says Violetta with a twinkle in her eye.

"Perhaps." I say, "We will just have to see."

Violetta is now smiling like a Cheshire cat, in the exact same fashion as her father does as she skips just a few metres ahead of me.

When we arrive home German is in the kitchen boiling the kettle and Violetta runs up behind him and kisses him on the cheek.

"Afternoon Violetta." says German, "Good day I take it?"

"The best!" cries Violetta, "I'm sooo happy that you and Angie have decided on having a baby! It's going to be perfect!"

"Angie told you already?" says German rather surpised.

"Angie basically told me before she told you, I was the one that did all the heavy lifting in your relationship!" says Violetta laughing as she heads to the fridge for some squash.

"Well then I am very grateful you did." says German kissing Violetta on the forehead.

All this time, I have stood in the doorway just watching them. I very much enjoy watching my family. I love everything about them so sometimes when I watch them like this, I forget I am watching them and just get lost in my own little world. I can just imagine if we do have a baby, imagine how complete my family would be and suddenly I find myself dreaming of everything German had asked about this morning.

Would I have a little boy who would run around the house with a little aeroplane in his hand pretending he is flying?

Would I have a little girl who sits on the side watching her daddy intently whilst he works?

Would I have a little boy who kicks a football in the garden but has two left feet so always kicks it indoors?

Would I have a little girl who tries to sing like her big sister and who melts her fathers heart every time she tries?

In my own little world, I was lost from reality. That was until I felt Germans arms around my waist.

"You seem distracted." he says twirling my hair playfully.

"I am," I say, "I was thinking about what our kid is doing to like, do, be named. All that stuff."

German is smiling his Cheshire cat grin.

"Well I made you a cup of tea, want to discuss it?" he asks happily.

"Yes." I say completely blissful.

German and I take a seat at the table and I blow on my mug to cool down my tea.

"So what were you thinking about?" says German as he sits across from me.

"Hair." I say honestly.

"Hair?" he asks confused.

"Yes! Some babies are born with hair, some aren't. Now obviously brown is the only colour hair that the baby could have but I wonder if it will be naturally curly and wavy like mine or straight like Maria's and Violetta's, that would be if it were a girl. If it were a boy, I have no clue, my dad had no hair after the age of thirty so I don't remember what it was like and except for your hair I don't know anything about your hair history."

"My hair history?" says German laughing.

"Umm yes. You think I'm joking?" I say rather annoyed.

"Kinda." says German grinning.

"Well I'm not." I say as I take a sip of my tea, "Eurgghh."

I run to the sink and spit out my tea and now I feel really sick.

"What did you do to my tea?"


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