Chapter Four

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"Finally," Ian groaned a second after the bell rang, and Mr. Drake raised his eyebrows at him. "Nothing personal, I'm just hungry". The teacher chuckled and went back to looking at his papers and Ian turned to Cole to mouthed he's so hot.

Cole just nodded, shoving his notebook into his backpack before zipping the bag. He wanted to apologize to Henry for his strange behavior, but he was far too nervous to do so. It wasn't everyday he had to speak to the hostile but sexy Henry Stone.

He was relieved and, surprisingly, disappointed when he stood from his desk and turned back to see that his classmate had already taken his leave, along with Emerson. Collier let out a breath of hot air, dropping his shoulders.

"What is it?" Ian asked him, and Cole quickly looked at him, trying to hide whatever emotion it was on his face. "You look upset".

"Do I?" He inquired absently before shrugging. "I'm fine. Let's go see what terrible food they're offering us this year".

Ian looked unconvinced with his topic change, but thankfully didn't question him on it, just followed him out of the classroom. "So," Ian began, his voice tight. Cole spared him a quick glance. "Have you and Sarah talked about her boyfriend yet?

"No," Cole answered, not bothering to hide his annoyance with this. "Wait, have you?"

"I have," Ian admitted slowly, as if there was something he was trying to hide. Briefly, Collier considered letting this fact annoy him— Ian and Sarah weren't close friends at all and she had told him first?— but he decided to let it go. There were enough upsetting things in his life already.

"So you know who it is?" Perhaps he could use this to his advantage and finally get some answers via Ian. Cole was dying to know; he had been waiting far too long.

"I do," Ian said hesitantly.

"Well are you going to tell me?" They were almost to the lunch room now, and Ian was glancing around nervously as if he needed someone to come and save him. "Ian?"

"I think it's best your wait and see for yourself," he said, and then mumbled, "I'm sure you're going to find out really soon".

"Why can't you just tell me?" Cole grumbled. While he loved his best friend, he wanted to steal her thunder by being completely unsurprised when she told him. It would be funny.

"Because," Ian said, reaching out and pulling open the door to the cafeteria to hold it for Collier, "I don't think you'll believe me".

Cole walked into the room before Ian, looking at their usual table and noticing Sarah wasn't there while everyone else was. They usually sat by Ian's friends— since Sarah and Collier didn't have any others— though they really only spoke to each other, and occasionally Ian.

The fact that Sarah wasn't there made him nervous, but he moved in that direction, stopping only when Ian's hand wrapped around his wrist. "What?"

"I don't think that's where you're sitting," his friend said, his eyes looking just over Collier's shoulder.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" Cole demanded, spinning on his heel to see what Ian was staring at.

He had to sweep his eyes over the cafeteria twice before he saw it, and then he couldn't believe he didn't notice right away.

He located Sarah sitting at the old boy's volleyball table. The majority of the team had graduated the year before and the program had been canceled, though the two remaining players still sat at the table.

And Sarah was sitting with them.

It was just the three of them, Sarah, Emerson, and Henry (Henry's glare scared most people away) and Collier wondered for only one second why on earth Sarah was sitting with them.

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