Chapter Twenty Five

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Collier was sitting by the window of his new bedroom at his father's house. There was barely nothing in it since he hadn't officially moved in yet (he had only learned that was an option the day before, so it wasn't like he had time to even if he wanted to), but had father had kept his word and they had gone out to buy him a bed.

It was Friday, and Henry was supposed to be picking him up at fourth thirty- in four minutes- for their date. Collier was a bit nervous about this, not really sure what to expect.

When he had gotten home from school, Collier had greeted his father, ate a protein bar, and then went straight to his room to get ready.

He didn't know what Henry had planned, but judging by his personality, and their relationship so far, it wouldn't be anything formal, so Collier felt comfortable dressing like himself. It also made him feel better to know that Henry would appreciate his anime shirt instead of sneer at it.

Teeth were brushed, shoes were chosen, cargo pants were changed out for a pair of jeans, and Collier actually almost felt ready.

Of course, the second he watched Henry's car pull up to his house, he remembered the millions of things he also should have done in preparation.

Floss teeth. Comb hair. Wash face. Comb hair again since it never really stays where you want it to. Pack comb in wallet incase you need to comb hair again throughout the night. Cover freckles with foundation.

Sighing, Collier left his room, shutting the door behind himself. His father was in the living room watching a movie, but he paused it when Cole entered the room.

"Wanna watch?" The older man asked and Collier shook his head at his father before crossing the room and pulling open the front door. "Where are you going?"

"Out, if that's okay," Cole asked. His father chewed his lip. "I'm not driving". Still, the man looked skeptical. "Please dad?"

He probably should have asked before had to avoid this situation, but he was so used to just leaving his mother's house whenever he felt like it that he honestly had forgotten.

"Alright". His father smiled up at him. "Any idea when you're going to be home?"

"No". Cole looked out the open front door to Henry's silver car parked on the street. "He hadn't really told me anything about what we're doing".

"He?" His father's expression was knowing. "Are you going on a date?"

"Goodbye," Cole said and the man laughed loudly as his son left the house and slammed the door behind himself.

Absently, Cole patted his pocket and traced the outline of his house key with his pointer finger as he approached Henry's car.

The boy looked up at him in almost surprised as Collier pulled the passenger door open and climbed in. Collier matched his confused expression. "What?"

"Well make yourself at home," Henry said, though he sounded as if he was joking so Cole smiled.

"What- was I supposed to stand there and wait for you to get out of the car, walk around it, and open the door for me like boys are supposed to do on the first date?" Collier teased and Henry's eyebrows raised.

"Second date," he corrected, and then added, "And maybe".

Collier laughed softly and buckled his seat belt before adjusting the chair to recline it a bit. "Where are we going?"

Henry shifted the car into drive and slowly pulled away from the curb. "Well," the brunette said, chewing on his lip as if he was nervous, "do you have anything in particular you want to do, or do you want to go with my plans?"

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