Chapter Thirty Two

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Henry was sitting to his right, his left leg brushing against Cole's right every couple of moments. It was probably on accident, but it still helped to calm Cole's nerves as he looked across the lunch table at Emerson and Sarah.

Collier and Henry were two full days into their relationship at this point and planned on waiting to share this news with everyone until they had everything figured out between the two of them.

Cole was learning that dating Henry Stone wasn't going to be easy. Spending more time with the boy meant that he'd have to suffer through more unpredictable mood swings than usual, and Henry still got frustrated with many of the things Cole did (such as tripping and spilling all the time). While their relationship would be difficult, Collier was sure (every time Henry smiled at him, or laughed at something he said, or kissed him) that it would be worth it.

While they weren't telling people that they were an item, some people just seemed to understand it. For example, Jake had asked Cole one question about Henry, and then looked at him knowingly as Cole stuttered. Ian had taken on look between the two of them in language arts and then smiled and winked. Luckily, neither Emerson or Sarah noticed their new closeness, already too caught up in one another.

"You're coming over tonight, right?" Henry asked, his voice sounding very bored at the moment as he picked at his food on his tray. Cole smiled down at his sketchbook.

"And here I was thinking you were never going to ask," Cole said and Henry made a huffing sound.

"You know, you're really annoying," he claimed and Cole just rolled his eyes as his pencil began moving across the paper again.

"Shut up. I'm cute". He could feel Henry's eyes on the side of his face, studying him.

Silently, almost to the point that Collier couldn't hear him, Henry mumbled. "Yes you are".

Cole grinned. "I'll be coming to your house tonight".


"Hey Cole, is that a hickey?" Sarah asked from the other side of the table. Collier looked up at her with very wide eyes, his hand flying up to cover his neck.

After they had talked everything out Friday night, Cole and Henry had spent the rest of their night tongueing, among other things that helped to relieve themselves, and Henry had been fascinated with how his marks appeared on Cole's skin and insisted on leaving many of them up and down the boy's neck and across his chest. Collier briefly thought of the bruises on his thighs but pushed that image to the back of his mind to avoid getting hard at the lunch table.

"It is, isn't it?" Sarah asked, excited. She slammed her hands down on the table. His face must have given the answer to his question away because he grin widened. Emerson was just staring at his best friend with a small smile.

"I wonder who he got that from," the blonde boy said, and Sarah's eyes also slid to Henry.

"Yeah, I wonder".

"Guys, it's not a hickey," Cole said quickly, dropping his hand as if he had nothing to hide. "It's an allergic reaction to a bug bite".

This possibly could have been convincing if Henry hadn't snorted in amusement at the statement.

Cole shot him a glare, but Henry just shrugged, unconcerned and went back to playing with his food.


They had been arguing when Henry kissed him to shut him up. It started with Cole taking a soda from Henry's fridge, and then spilling it all over himself and the carpet.

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