Chapter Twenty Seven

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"Hey dad?" Collier asked, leaving his bedroom. Ever since they had finished moving him in, about three hours before, he had locked himself in his new bedroom and tried to sleep away the exhaustion.

It hadn't worked, and instead Cole had just laid there with his head on his pillow looking around at all the boxes he would have to unpack.

Eventually, thinking about all he still had to do wasn't really helping his emotional state, and the idea of spending a second longer in that unfamiliar bedroom made him want to bash his head against the wall.

"Yeah?" His dad asked, looking up from his book and over the back of the couch to see Cole. "Are you heading back to your mother's tonight?"

This was something that had been discussed before Cole had left the house for the night. After Henry had calmed him down enough, and kissed him enough, Cole had gone down stairs and taken his crying mother aside to explain that he wasn't completely moving out. In order to make this divorce easiest on all three of them, Collier had decided that he would be living at his mother's house just as much as he would be living at his father's.

"What about Ron?"  She had asked him, her eyes very large and hopeful, though still rimmed with tears.

"There are worse things in life than my step father," Collier had claimed. "For example, seeing you less than I already do".

"Not tonight," Cole assured his father, though he still went over to the door and slipped into a pair of shoes. "I was actually wondering if I could spend the night with some friends? It's been a long day and I don't think I can stand sleeping in my room here, or my room back at mom's tonight. Tonight, I just kind of want to forget everything".

His father nodded slowly, his eyes understanding. "Of course, Cole. Do you need a ride anywhere, or is someone coming to get you?"

"I really just feel like walking, actually. It might help to clear my head". Besides, Henry didn't live that far away.

"You sure? I'm not busy or anything-" Cole's father cut of as his son smiled at him.

"I'm really okay dad, but thanks". Collier checked the pocket of his jeans for his key, and then the other for his phone. "I'll be home tomorrow after work".

"Make sure your phone is charged just incase your mother or I need to reach you for anything," His dad asked of him and Cole nodded in agreement before shooting him one last smile and leaving the house. 

The walk did a poor job of clearing his head, and Collier wished he had brought earbuds or something to use music as a distraction. The silence could be deafening when your own thoughts were shouting in your head.

A distraction.

At that moment, that's what Cole needed Henry to be. He didn't need him to be sweet, or loving, or hold his hand, he just needed him to kiss him senseless and make all his problems go away, even if it was only for a little bit, just as he had in Collier's bedroom earlier that day.

As he usually did when he got to Henry's, Collier went around back, finding the window he usually used for entrance and crouching to knock on it. 

Henry jumped and looked over, squinting his eyes to see what was out in the darkness and then scrambling off of his bed and coming over to open the window. "You know," the blue eyed boy began, leaning out through the window to smile at Cole, though blocking his passage in the process, "you should really start using my front door. I nearly pissed myself when you knocked".

"Jumpy tonight, are you?" Collier asked. Henry's behavior was explained a second later when screams erupted from his television set. Startled, the tall boy looked over his shoulder before grumbling and leaving the window to go pause the movie. "What the hell is that?"

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