Across My Skin

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AU In a world where soulmates can draw on their skin, and have it spear on their soulmates skin.

Sang drawing roses across her bruises from her mother, but they only show up as random flowers.

Owen drawing violins and random appointments on his hands and occasionally quotes from his favorite books on his legs.

Gabriel drawing pretty much everything and the occasional curse word, plus his hatred for spiders as well.

North drawing motorcycles and the word 'Baby' when he knows his soulmate is having a bad day.

Victor drawing music notes and music recommendations when his soulmate can't think of something to listen too.

Nathan drawing peanuts and strawberries, smiley faces on bad days and martial art symbols.

Kota drawing math equations and particle physics jokes, the number ten over and over again.

Sean drawing the Apple and 'pie' symbol, as well as writing that he knows what's best, (since he's a doctor and everything.)

Silas drawing a sailboat and words in Greek, never saying what the meaning was.

Luke drawing little chocolates and marshmallows, little bits of himself with the occasional word from things he just jots down.

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