Letter to Him

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It was supposed to be a pen pal program that lasted a semester, and a semester only. Sang wasn't supposed to get attached to her pen pal, not enough for the letter to span eight years. Eight years of talking to a pen pal she knew almost everything about, except his name.

But she finally moves to Charleston on her eighteen birthday, her senior year of high school, after finally escaping her monster of a mother and tormenting sister. It's the town she always addresses the letters, the school she knows he goes too. She knows so much about him, yet, she can't pick him out of a crowd.

As her days go by, she meets more and more people, she promises that she'll find her pen pal, the one that had saved her for so long, the one she had undoubtedly fallen in love with over a scrap of paper and pen. Problem is, will he love her, once he sees exactly what Sang is made of?

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