Academy High School Host Club

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Sang is new to the Academy, a prestigious school she somehow was lucky enough to be granted a scholarship to. Months into the year, she's desperately searching for an empty, quiet room to study in when she accidentally stumbles upon the Academy High School Host Club, and all nine of their members.

Sang isn't exactly known for just how girly she is, and when she accidentally knocks over the glass vase within the center of the room, she somehow gets sucked into becoming a dog for the host members. She's roped into doing their wild errands for them and watching them try to make all the birds within the school happy.

When the guys all find out she is in fact, a female, it changes everything. No longer is she hosts dogs, she suddenly sucked into the life of a High School Host. But once someone comes to try and ruin their happy life within the club, Sang isn't going to let her hair club president go so quickly.

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