Drown <adopted!>

358 25 3

Sang is, well, Sang's drowning.

After leaving her hell of a home, everything's supposed to magically become better, right?


She hides it behind sarcasm and wit, with a brain to bright for her own good. She hides it behind music, staying up for all hours of the night playing sad songs on her piano. She hides it within her comic books she reads and TV shows she rewatches.

She hides everything, including the scars and cuts she gives herself.

It isn't until she has a bad night, well, worse than all of her bad nights, and unexpectedly hears a pounding on her door. She wraps her cuts the best she can, before opening to find a frantic man, begging for coffee beans. Any kind of coffee beans.

What she doesn't know, is that he'll see those cuts, those scars, and somehow get his other broken friends along for the ride to save the drowning girl.


Sang x Toma team, no Blackbourne team. 😬

Adopted by SKimmel67628 !

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