A Medium named Sang

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I never wanted this, never wanted the abilities I was given. I never wanted to be able to see the dead, to be able to speak to them, or the worst part, have them talk back.

My name is Sang Sorenson, and I guess you could call me a medium. A psychic, necromancer, a seer. Call me what you will, but I have a job on this earth. I have to pass these spirits over, take them to the other side. Sometimes they come along willingly, sometimes they fight, but they always will go.

I move for my job, I have my entire life. After finding out my own mother wasn't really my mother and having to cross my actual mother over, I left. I've finally moved to Charleston, North Carolina, where there have been several sightings of an angry spirit at the local high school.

And boy, is it not happy to see me.

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