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When the world ended, people didn't believe it at first. They went on with their day, even though the news was blasting about some type of disease that was airborne, killing hundreds within hours.

Maybe it was the fact they kept changing their story, from disease to some drug, JH-14, to just being God's will.

Either way, people started to finally believe the world was ending when their loved ones that died, came back alive trying to get a bite of their flesh.

I'd been alone way before the world even happened, and I was alone during it as well. To myself, I was Anastasia Romanov, the girl taken from Mother Russia at twelve. To everyone else, I was Black Knight, a stupid vigilante that put others before themselves. No one knew who I was, whether I was a boy or a girl, or even what my hair color was.

And I was content with that. Content with being alone; until the day I saved the mysterious Toma Team.

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