A New Beginning

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Half through her final year of high school, Sang Sorenson has had enough. Her life is filled with beatings from her stepmother, constant fights about whether all men are rapist, and whether or not she can even leave her own house. Fed up with her life, she takes everything she's learned and blackmails her father to let her leave.

He finally lets her go, with only one condition. She has to finish school at Westheimer School for boys, taking on a new identity and never coming back. She'll have money until she turns eighteen, and then she's completely cut off and on her own. To inebriated on the thought of freedom, she accepts, not completely understanding the consequences.

Now as Sam Sorenson, she has to knock on her roommates door. Her very, male, roommate, who happens to be named Victor Morgan, and all of his friends that undoubtedly come with him.

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