Part 1

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Chapter 1

“Amy O’Neal,” she said with a smile as she held her hand out for the man to shake.  He was cute.  There was no doubting that fact.  His blonde hair curled on top of his head, barely brushing his ears.  Brown eyes stared at her with a bit of heat in their depths.  She could tell that this guy was no slouch.  It may have been the way that his grip stayed steady in hers or maybe the fact that he looked like he hit the gym at least three times a week.  To put it simply, he was more than cute; he was hot.

A slow smile curled the corner of his lips, making him look more like a predator by the minute.  “Jimmy Fader,” he replied while dropping her hand and slipping into the seat across from her.

The place he had picked for their blind date was a nice one.  She knew from experience that in order to sit where she was on a Friday night someone had to have connections.  Which meant the man sitting across from her either knew the right people or was wealthy. “It’s nice to finally meet you.”

He leaned forward, tucking a piece of her auburn hair behind her ears.  “The pleasure is all mine,” he whispered in a husky tone.

If she were any other woman, she may have melted on the floor.  As it was, she let a small smile fall onto her face as she leaned away from his touch.  She had enough experience with men to know what their normal moves were, but it didn’t keep her from feeling a slight flutter as his skin brushed hers.  “So,” she started awkwardly, pulling at the hem of her little black dress.

“So,” he echoed with a chuckle as he leaned back in his chair.  “What’s your favorite movie?”

“Hmm, that’s a hard one. I have to be honest with you.  I’m the person in school who wrote ‘everything’ on all the surveys that asked about your favorite things. I just can never really choose, you know?”

His grin widened.  “You like everything then?”

“What she likes,” a voice growled behind her, “is watching me kick your ass.”

She groaned, plopping her face into her hands.   She should have known from the start that this date was too good to be true.  Her brothers would always interrupt any date she would attempt to have.  She knew they were afraid she was too naïve to date, too naïve to see the bad in a person.  She knew all those things, but as the chair beside her scraped against the tile floor, rational thought flew from her mind.  She was pissed. Just once, she wanted some alone time, time to make her own mistakes.  Snapping her head up, she opened her mouth to yell at her brother, Logan, but as soon as she saw the deadly expression on his face, her mouth snapped shut.  This was going to be a disaster.

“I’d like you to know that I’m with the FBI. You make one wrong move, and I’ll kill you.”

“He’s not with the FBI,” Amy said, narrowing her eyes at the lie.

“But I am,” another voice said.  Glancing up, she let out a louder groan as Carson flashed his badge before staring down at Jimmy with an evil smile.

She looked at the two men, one to her left and one to her right.  “Two brothers down; two to go,” she mumbled under her breath just as a hand clamped down on her shoulder.

“What Logan didn’t tell you is that he was a Navy Seal until he was discharged for an unauthorized killing.”

“Three down,” she groaned, covering her face with equal amount of mortification and anger.  Still, she could not help herself from peeking through her fingers, from wanting to see Jimmy’s reaction to the mess surrounding her.

Jimmy glanced over at the man sitting down at the table with them.  “You’re Logan?”

Logan let a small smile form on his face, making Jimmy audibly swallow.  “Affirmative.”

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