Chapter 3

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For the next couple of days Raven tried to maintain her distance from Christopher. She didn't want to remind him of the meeting and possibly screw up and tell his father. Unfortunately, today it was Christopher's job to escort her to the families safety deposit box. She sighed for courage and lightly tapped on his bedroom door, "Christopher are you decent?"

"Come in!"

Raven open the door and proceeded in, but as she turned the corner she gasped and covered her eyes, "Jesus!"

Christopher chuckled as he laid in bed with a naked Skyler tucked under his arm. His silk sheets barely covered his own nakedness.

"What's wrong Raven?" Skyler giggled an evil response.

Raven shook her head as she lowered her hand and gave a fake smile, "Well I'm the verge of losing my breakfast and pretty sure I'm going to have years of nightmares from this image burned in my brain. So.. yeah.. thanks a lot.. And to top everything off, Junior here is going to be the one that's going to take over. Which means.." Raven waited for an answer, but none came, "You guessed it! We are all fucked! Up the ass!! (Speaking slower) Majorly fucked.."

Skyler eased her naked self off of the bed and started towards her, Raven held up her hand and calmly spoke, "Wait right there." Skyler glared at her as she confidently stood, but her eyes widened as Raven took out her phone and took a picture, "And send."

Skyler's mouth dropped, "Wwwhhhoo.. Who did you send that to?"

Raven smiled, "To a private e-mail of mine, so don't even think your going to threaten me when I speak the truth."

Christopher starred at the two with his hands propped behind his head.

Raven turned to him, "Get fucking dressed already... Please.."

Christopher smiled as he threw the covers from him. Raven turned away, but spoke as she walked out, "Nice earrings Skyler.."

Skyler turned a questionable brow to Christopher. He innocently shrugged as he strutted to his walk in closet.

Raven took a deep breath of the fresh air as they made their way down the street. Christopher was quiet as he hid behind his shades with hands tucked in pockets. Raven turned to him, "Why so quiet?"

"We are not fucking screwed.." he kept his gaze forward.

"Did I hit a nerve?"

He stopped and turned to her, "Why would you say that?"

Raven sighed, "Christopher, you are a lose cannon. I see great scary potential in you, but you have to be in the job one hundred percent, twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. The sad part is that you treat everything as a joke."

Christopher turned away, but stopped as she lightly grabbed his wrist, "Hey now.. I'm not the enemy, I'm here to help. Just like I help your father. If you let me.."

Christopher slightly bounced his knee as he looked up. When he looked back down he quickly grabbed his shades off, "Mother fucker! Hey Jay Jay..! Remember me?"

Raven turned to see who he was yelling at, but gasped as Christopher took off after his victim, "Chris!!!"

"Come back here ya damn thief!" Christopher was weaving in and out of the sidewalk traffic as he tried to catch up.

Raven slowly trotted in her designer shoes as she followed, "I love my job.. I love my job.." She turned her face to a curious spectator as she spoke through her teeth and yelled, "Yeah!! Fucking love it!!" She slowly approached an alley way that Christopher had chased Jay Jay into. She slowly eased up as she heard some one punching soft flesh. She shook her head as she watched two men hold Christopher's arms and Jay Jay punched his face then stomach. She rolled her eyes as she text Kyle her brother their location. She knew in the mean time, she was going to cover Christopher's ass.. again.

Jay Jay was about to take another swing after Christopher spit blood on his white shirt, but paused when he heard a sweet voice behind him, "Excuse me..."

Jay Jay shook his hand as he turned to Raven, "What do you want?"

Raven nervously cleared her throat as she approached, "Well., can I have my boss back?"

Jay Jay turned back to the crowd, "You fucking believe this broad?" He turned back to Raven licking his lips, "And if I don't?"

Raven shook her head, "Well.. I have to fucking kill you.."

Jay Jay and his friends chuckled. He took a step towards her, "Mmm.. nah I'm going to ...What tha fuck..?"Jay Jay froze as Raven pulled a grenade from her designer clasp.

She slightly tilted it along with her head, "What were you saying?"

Jay Jay held up his hands as he spoke to her. His laugh shook with fear, "I bet you don't even know how to use it.."

Raven pucker her lip as she looked at her weapon, "Hhmm.. Is this how you do it?" She pulled the pin and chuckled as she watched the men scattered and screamed their way out of the alley way. She chuckled as she replaced the pin, "Dumbasses.."

Christopher sat in shock as he watched her sigh and walked to him. She placed the grenade back into her purse and retrieved a handkerchief. She eased down in front of him and dabbed his busted lip, "You alright?"

Christopher chuckled as she cleaned him, "Where in the hell did you get a grenade?"

"The army surplus store, its disarmed." She continued to study his face, "Kyle always said there is nothing scarier than an idiot with a weapon that has no clue how to use it. Like a monkey with a machine gun."

Christopher started to chuckle harder, but wrenched when his ribs hurt. Raven pursed her lips at his pain. She then turned to Kyle as he was running down the alleyway with his gun pulled.

He sighed with relief when he realized they were ok, "What happened?"

Before Christopher could answer, Raven spoke up, "We were jumped by some guys but Christopher took care of them." Christopher wrinkled his brow at Ravens confession. Raven continued, "It happened so fast, we didn't get a good look."

Kyle slowly nodded, but Raven could tell that he didn't believe her. Raven steeped out of the way as Kyle eased Christopher off of the alleyway ground. Christopher smiled as he heard her speak, "It truly is a beautiful day!"

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