Chapter 23

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Raven held her arms out with ease and looked down as she fell. Blake roared as he started to lean backwards. He immediately released his grasp as fear plunged into his mind. Raven locked her eyes on her target and guided her hand over the projected space as she fell with control. She gasped as her arm jolted when she caught the side of a small metal flower pot shelf. She heard Bake screaming as he plunged down to the sidewalk below. Raven tried to catch her breath as she looked up to see Christopher, but he was gone.


Christopher ran down the flight of stairs to two stories below. He counted the doors as he ran to where she would be. He pursed his lips as he kicked in the office door and ran to the window.

Raven still had a firm grasp on the small ledge when he reached her. Christopher quickly raised the window and pulled her to safety. She tried to examine his wound but he pulled her to his chest as kissed her repeatedly.

"Chris, we have to get you to a hospital!"

He acted as though he didn't hear her, "Are you hurt? Let me look at you.."

Raven eased off of the floor and then helped him up, "Im fine, but please can I take you to the hospital? Your still bleeding."

Christopher's rolled his eyes, "Okay.. Okay.. As long as your checked out too."

The doctor was able to removed the bullet with ease. Raven nervously nibbled on her thumb nail as she watched the nurse stitched up Christopher's shoulder wound.

Christopher clenched his jaw as he glared at her, "My fiancé needs to be examined, she fell two stories... And she's pregnant.."

Raven crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, "Im fine!"

"Fell two stories?! Oh hell no!"
They all turned to the voice as the emergency room curtain  was pulled back. Ravens  jaw dropped, "Francine?"

"Getcho ass on this gurney right now! Dumb ass white girl jumping off the damn roof.. What in tha Hell has gotten into you?" Raven sulked as she did as she was told. She glared at a chuckling Christopher as Francine pulled her away to be admitted.

It had been a long terrible night. Raven  slept until the early afternoon. Her feet patted against the marble floor as she approached Christopher's office. The conversation between him and Hugo stopped as she entered. Hugo sighed, "Ill talk to you later.."

Christopher silently nodded and stared at Raven until Hugo was gone, "You ok?"

Raven nodded and sat on the edge of his desk, "What did he find out?"

Christopher rubbed his hand against his mouth as he paced, "Skyler was helping Blake blackmail my father."

Raven shook her head in confusion, " Why.. I thought she loved you..?"

Christopher smiled shyly, "She knew Blake wanted you.. They used each other  to keep us apart ..."

Ravens brow wrinkled, "I'm sorry, but I'm completely lost.."

Christopher looked up as he chuckled. He stood in front of her and stroked her cheeks, "Raven.. I wanted you the first time I saw you, but I agreed with my father. I was too reckless, and didn't want to be responsible. He was afraid I would eventually hurt you more, especially after losing your father."

Raven had sadness in her eyes, "So all that time you were joking.. about being with me.?"

He showed his perfect smile, "I meant every damn word."

Raven slightly shoved him, "You were pretty mean sometimes.."

His smile gently eased, "It was because I couldn't have you, but when I saw Blake physically hurting you.. I couldn't just stand by. I loved you, I just didn't realize it was more than lust."

Raven pressed one of her palms to his and held it up with her pushing against it, "I think my finger is bare..."

Christopher slid her closer to the edge of the desk and kissed her, "Is that a willful yes?"

She chuckled as she looked at his perfect lips, "Do I have a real choice?"

He bit his bottom lip, "Nope.."

Eight months later.

Raven frantically paced on the plush carpeted bedroom floor. She held her breath as another contraction hit her. She turned to the bed where Christopher was fast asleep. He was laying on his stomach with his perfect bare ass showing. Apparently, going to pound town not only causes pregnancy, but also induces labor. Raven shook the calf of his leg, "Chris sweetheart.." She shook it again but he slightly moaned. Raven growled as she smacked his bare backside, "Get up dumbass! I'm.. in.. " Raven held her stomach as she hunched over with another contraction.

Christopher pushed up from the bed with a sleepy, questionable look. His eyes widened as he realized what was going on. He tried to jump up but fell flat on his face from his legs being tangled in the sheets. Raven cackled until she started her Lamaze breathing as another contraction came. Christopher pulled on pants, fastened his belt and slipped on a fitting white t-shirt. He grabbed her overnight night bag and helped her up from the bed. As they made their way down the stairs, Raven started to breath fast again. Christopher held her tighter, "How far apart are they?"

"Ffffiivvvee.. oh shit!! Minutes apart.." Ravens legs shook as they gave out from the pain. Christopher easily scooped her up and headed to the car.

Raven made a blowing face as Christopher swerved through morning traffic. She barred her teeth as she cursed, "Ssshhiitt..!" Christopher's tried to grasp her hand but she frantically swatted it away, "Don't touch me!! Oh God! Why does this hurt..?! We are never having sex again..!"

Christopher smiled as he turned his face to the window and quietly thought, "Yeah right.."

After five hours of labor, the doctor informed that the baby could not make it down the birth canal and Raven was sent to the O.R.  for an emergency c section.

Christopher stood at the hospital window as he bounced his perfect daughter, "Gia".  He turned to his wife as she slept peacefully and smiled; she was a perfect copy of her mother. His smile slowly eased as he thought, "Dear God! This is going to be a new level of exhaustion."

The end.

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