Chapter 13

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As Christopher quietly dressed, he stared at Ravens half naked, sleeping body, He knew what he did was wrong, but he couldn't stand the thought of another man having her. Ever. He gently leaned down and kissed her soft bare shoulder. She didn't stir. As he stood back up, he nervously bounced his leg anticipating if he should join her again, but unfortunately; duty calls.

Raven stood under the hot shower which seemed like forever. She kept having flashbacks of the night before. Her stomach did somersaults as she worried about Blake's arrangement, "He won't agree now. Who wants you now since your used?"

Raven pressed her palm against her forehead as she tried to rub a solution into her mind, but when none came; she began to cry.

Raven pressed her palm against her forehead as she tried to rub a solution into her mind, but when none came; she began to cry

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After the one hour shower, Raven bravely exited her room and headed for the office. She was lost in thought as she looked down at her phone. As she scowled at her e-mails, she nearly feel back as she walked into something hard. She gasped as a strong arm caught her waist.

Christopher smiled as her heard her gulp loudly when her eyes met his handsome face, "Good morning Raven."

Raven flexed her jaw, "Is it?"

Christopher leaned down to her ear and whispered, "It is when I get to wake up next to you."

Raven smirked as he leaned back to her face and whispered, "Wish I could say the same. Seeing that you left before I made you cuddle with me. I know you guys hate that sort of thing."

Christopher finger tip traced the bottom of her chin, "Mmm.. Raven, if you only knew how much I wanted to stay.. Believe me when I say, cuddling doesn't compare on how I wanted to wake you up this morning."

Raven pursed her lips as she looked down, "Where were you the last week?"

Christopher stroked her exposed flesh right below her shirt, "Do you want me to stop your unwanted male attention? You just shivered." Raven sighed as she tried to push away but Christopher quickly pulled her to him, "Are you upset?"

Ravens anger boiled over, "Chris... You ruined me... Blake.."

Christopher slightly squeezed her arm tighter, "We are not going to mention him again."

Raven stood in shock from his anger, "Chris, what has happened to you?"

Christopher flexed his chiseled jaw as he swallowed, "You did.. I fucking love you."

Ravens mouth dropped open, "Chris... We can't do this.. What about your father..?"

Christopher brushed his lips against her forehead, "He's been taken care of. They will never find him."

Raven violently pushed him away, You killed your own father?!"

Christopher leaned his head back and roared with a heavy laugh, "Oh Jesus... No.. I hid him, so Blake couldn't get to him."

Raven looked down in a daze, "So.. What now?"

Christopher stepped closer as and pulled her to him, "Oh Raven, what I have planned for you.." He gently cupped her worried face and stroked her cheeks.

She turned away from him, "I have work to do."

Christopher released her and signed as he watched her head into the downstairs office. He was slightly disappointed that she didn't say "I love you" back, but who could blame her? He had countless flings in the past, but never once did he say the three words that they long to hear. Last night was also his first time without protection, but it wasn't planed. He couldn't control himself. He slightly groaned as he shifted his pants to find comfort for his crotch.  Usually he would take care of it himself, but with Raven being so close by, no harm for a quickie. The devil smirk reappeared on his face as his shoes clicked against the Italian marble.

Raven was deep in thought as she was leaning over her desk. She lightly cursed under her breath, "Oh... Where the fuck is it?"

Her concentration was broken as she felt a warm masculine hand slide up her bare backside. Christopher leaned over her as he pressed his forehead into her hair, "Hmm.. no thong?"

Raven pressed her eyes as he rubbed her bottom, "Chris.. don't do this.."

Christopher didn't reply. He quickly but gently hiked up her pink skirt and pinned her against him and the desk. Raven let a small cry of lust and fear. She could hear him quickly unbuckle his dress slacks as she breathed heavily. Her stomach was in knots as he grabbed both of her hips and pulled her to him. Christopher slightly spread her legs apart with his knee and glided himself into her warm flesh. He leaned his head back as though he just took a hit of heroine and moaned . Ravens breath hitched every time he pumped into her. She felt so disappointed in herself for giving in, but deep down inside she wanted it to happen, but dreaded the outcome.  Her brow wrinkled as she let out a small cry of pleasure.

Christopher leaned forward to get as deep as he could, "Fuck... You have the nicest ass.. Your perfect Raven.."

Raven heaved as she cried out as she came, "Oh.. Fuck..!"

Christopher groaned over and over as he sped up. He fiercely bit his bottom lips as he slammed into her while admiring her ass checks bouncing against his lower abdomen.

Raven could feel a second orgasim building as he continued his thrust, "Chris.. Don't cum in me.."

Christopher smiled at her request, "I can't stop.. Oh God I'm so close.."

Ravens legs shook as she anticipated his release, "Chris.. oh.."

He moaned out as he pressed as far as he could inside her as he came. Ravens legs felt as though they were about to give out from her own wave of ecstasy.

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