Chapter 10

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Three days later*******

Ravens feet dangled off of her bed as she tried to reach her I-Pad. She slowly eased off the bed trying not to hurt herself. Just as she was in the middle of her task, Francine walked in, "What in tha Hell are you doing?"

Raven smiled a mischievous smile, "Um.. nothing.."

Francine raised her eyebrows and pointed her finger, "Ya better get your skinny white ass back in the bed.."

Raven smiled until Christopher walked in with a cocked eyebrow, "Someone talking about my skinny ass?"

Francine put her hands on her wide hips as she looked Christopher up and down, "Mmmmhmmm.. Honey, they ain't nothing wrong with your tight ass."

Christopher chuckled as he put his arm around her, "Francine, your one fine lady."

Francine scoffed as she pushed away from him, "Hush now. Christopher get Miss Sass here back in bed."

Ravens mouth dropped open, "Im not sassy.."

Christopher and Francine both shook their head at her.

Raven crossed her arms as she pouted.

Christopher smiled as he scooped her up easily and tucked her back in. He leaned in close to her brow, "What were  you doing out of bed?"

Raven gave him her angry brow, "My I-Pad. I have work to do"

Christopher leaned up and smiled, "All you had to do is ask."

He retrieved it and gently placed it on her lap. He noticed her frown for a moment and pulled her computer glasses from his coat pocket. Raven paused and stared at him for a moment. She couldn't believe he remembered to bring them. "Thank you."

"Don't mention it." Christopher sat stretched out in the hospital chair with his hands tucked behind his head.

Raven eagerly studied her schedule while he studied her as she worked. She didn't realize him watching her until about an hour later. She did a double take as she caught him, "What? What are you looking at?"

Christopher just smiled, closed his eyes and continued to stretch out in the chair as though he was dozing off. He liked just being there with her. To hear her voice, to watch her lips slightly move as she read her e-mails. His happiness was cut short when Ravens phone rang. She stared at the Caller  ID with a blank face before she answered it, "Blake."

Christopher's cold eyes shot open and turned them to her. She glared at him in return as she continued her conversation, "Yes, I'm fine." (Pause) "No, I have everything I need." (Pause) "I'm not discussing this right now." (Pause) "Its nobody's fault." (Pause) "No. I'm not being dis.."
(Pause) "Will you let me finish?"  (Pause) "Goodbye."

Christopher didn't say a word. Raven stared at her phone for a brief moment, ran her hand through her thick hair and went back to her work. Christopher nibbled on his thumb nail as he thought to himself, "She just swallows her happiness, always thinking of everyone else." Christopher stood and walked out of the room. Raven paused as she watched him.

She tilted her head as he brought in a wheel chair, "What are you doing?"

Christopher smiled as he scooped her up and placed her in it. He slowly wheeled her out as he made sure the coast was clear. He whistled a tune along with the elevator music as they reached a different ward. He wheeled her to the end of a room that was full of senior citizens. Raven laughed a nervous chuckle as he spoke to the room. "Place your bets Ladies and Gentlemen. Race against me or this lovely lady here?"

The older crowd smiled and started to yell the outcome.

One gentleman yelled, "I bet she'll kick your ass!"

One sweet looking grandmother shook as she spoke, "Give her Hell young man!"

Raven shook her head in disbelief. Christopher smirked as he rolled another wheel chair next to her and smiled as he sat next to her, "Ready?"

Raven pressed her eyes, "I can't believe... Go!"

Raven took off pushing her wheels as fast as she could. She laughed as she heard Christopher yell, "Cheater!"

The seniors started to chant , "Cheater.. Cheater...!"

Raven squealed as she reached the end of the activity room. She wheeled around to face a laughing Christopher. He stopped his chair right in front of her and was in awe of her. Raven smiled as she tried to catch her breath from exhaustion.

"Don't they make a lovely couple?" One of the senior ladies noted.

Ravens smile quickly disappeared. She looked down as she spoke, "I think I need to go back now."

Christopher nodded and started to push her out. The seniors clapped for both of them for the entertainment. Ravens smile quickly returned, so did Christopher's.

When they finally turned the corner into her room, Genadi was fuming as he sat on the bed while Francine stood with her hands on her hips, "And where in tha Hell have you two been?"

Raven smiled an uneasy smile, then glanced up to Christopher. He looked down to her and they both burst out laughing.

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