Chapter 6

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"Meet Lucile."

Raven slightly tilted her head with a questionable brow, "Ya know when you talked about her, I always thought it was some milf that you were banging."

Christopher chuckled as he opened the driver side door, "Get in."

Raven nervously chuckled as she shook her head, "Oh no.. I can't drive a stick. If I break her, I would feel terrible."

Christopher tilted his head up then back to her as he laughed, "You can drive this stick right here. It won't break." He smirked as he grabbed his crotch.

Raven slowly circled the car as she studied it, "Why does everything have to be about..."

"Go ahead you can say it.." Christopher bit his bottom lip as he anticipated her answer.

Raven locked on his eyes, "Alright, fucking."

Christopher held his hands out as he approached her, "Alright.. Alright.. I'll lay off the unnecessary sexual comments. But let's be honest, confess you don't enjoy a good fuck every now and then?"

Raven looked down as she shyly smiled, "I'm not discussing this with you. Now, are you going to take me for a ride or not? "

Christopher was amused by her personal control and rules, "No. I told you, you're  driving."

After Raven settled in to Lucile's drivers seat she nervously awaited instructions. Christopher slouched in the passenger seat smirking at his nervous student, "Ok. With your right foot on the break, place the left on the clutch and push it all the way to the floor. Raven bit her bottom lip as she peeked below the wheel to see, "Okay.. now what?"

"Place your left hand on the wheel and crank the car with your right." Christopher nibbled on the side of his pointer finger as he waited for the outcome.

Raven kept biting her bottom lip as she started the car. She smiled as the engine purred, "I did it! Ok, now what?"

Christopher lightly grabbed her left hand, "Now you place this hand on the stick."

Raven cut her eyes  and held her breath as she watched where he was placing her hand. Christopher chuckled as he heard her exhale, "Ok. Now slowly ease off the clutch and press the gas at the same time."

Raven shrugged her shoulders as she tried, but soon frowned as the car lurched forward, sputtered and died. She slowly turned a fuming face to a laughing Christopher, "Your milf is broken."

"Oh.. Don't be hating on her. You just don't know how to make her purr yet." Christopher loved her worried look of defeat.  He gently patted her leg, "Come on, try again."

Raven sighed and tried again. Lucile started to die a little slowly, but as she heard Christopher's encouragement to give her more gas, Lucile started to smoothly roll. Raven squealed with delight as they became mobile.

"Alright, now push in the clutch again." Christopher lightly placed his hand over hers, "Now shift into second gear, ease off the clutch just like before and give her the gas."

Raven smiled as he helped her shift the car into second. She slightly shifted nervously, "Um, Chris.."

He turned his rested head to her, "Yes Raven?"

"I'm uh.. I'm running out of drive way.. What do I do?!" Raven looked as though she was about to hyperventilate.

Christopher continued to slouch with ease as he spoke, "Well.. turn... drive. You got this."Raven sighed as she eased onto traffic, "Ya wanna shift into third gear now?"

Raven glanced in the rearview mirror, "No, they can wait."

Christopher chuckled as he looked in his side view mirror and saw five cars driving slowly behind them; one of them was honking angrily.

After the driving lessons, Christopher gave Raven directions to a small coffee house

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After the driving lessons, Christopher gave Raven directions to a small coffee house. He watched as Raven battled a crossword puzzle in silence until she asked, "Male chicken?"

"Cock.." Raven's mouth slightly dropped as she turned her lowered eyes up to his handsome smile.

Christopher smile widened as he chewed on a coffee stirrer.

Raven leaned forward towards him with a sarcastic smile, "Rooster maybe?"

Christopher winked as he continued to smile.

Raven cleared her throat as she leaned back into her seat, "So, does Skyler know how to drive your stick?"

Christopher's eyebrows shot up, "Wow! Why does everything have to be about sex with you?" Raven blushed as she looked back down at the crossword puzzle. "No, she hates Lucile. In fact, I believe she is jealous of her. It just breaks my heart."

Raven tilted her head as she looked to him, "What a shame."

Christopher's smile slowly disappeared, "Have you set a date yet?"

Raven pressed her eyes closed, "Please don't.. Just let me..."

"Just let you what..?"

She had tears when she reopened her large eyes, "Pretended a little longer."

Christopher gently placed his hand on top of hers, but she pulled away as her tears became heavier, "Damn you.."

Christopher watched in shock as she pushed away from the table and quickly ran outside. He paid the tab and headed out to find her. Raven was leaning against the car in a daze as she waited. He stood in front of her with his hands in his jeans. "I'm sorry I brought it up."

She continued her daze, "It's not your fault, it was my decision."

Christopher stepped closer and placed both hands on her shoulders, "Hold it off as long as you can, I'll find a way to save you and my father."

Raven turned surprised eyes to him, "Why..? Why would you do that..?"

Christopher tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, "Who else is going to keep me out of trouble?"

Raven sadly smiled, "I think you would be fine without your warden."

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