Chapter 17

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Christopher slowly strutted to the front steps. Hugo and Luka both stood as he approached. Christopher looked down and talked with his hand, "How in the Hell, did she get away..?" He looked up at the two frightened men, "Hmm..?"

Luka turned to Hugo then back to Christopher, What do you mean how she got away? Girl is like a fucking ninja or something."

Christopher stepped right in front of both men. He turned to Hugo, "Don't ever call the dogs on her. Ever! And you!" He turned to Luka, "Don't ever threaten her again!"

The men looked down as he pushed past them. He stopped short when he heard a small sob from the office. He shuffled back in to find a crying Skyler, "I thought I told you to get out of my house!"Skyler screamed as he grabbed her by her hair and dragged her out, "You fucking ruined my life!"

Hugo and Luka stood in shock as they watched.

Skyler continued to sob as he pushed her out. She turned to him as he while he caught his breath, "Stay away from us.. All of us.."

Skyler hugged herself as she turned away.

Christopher yelled at his two employees, "Find her! I want her home by dark!" He sighed heavily and took out his phone and dialed his father, "Are you sitting?"


It was nightfall. Christopher nervously bounced his legs as he stared out the window. In the distance he could see a flash of lightning following a roll of thunder. His heart sank to his stomach as it shook the house. He roared as he started to destroy the room. Hugo and Luka stood silently at the bottom of the stairs as his rage continued.

Raven laid on the hotel bed and stared at the ceiling. She questioned if she was right to leave. No clothes, phone, food, car, and just her wallet that had her debit card that could be tracked. She would use it for emergency only. In the early morning, she stopped by a local ATM and withdrew her limit for the day. She bought an overnight bag and stocked it with a few outfits and supplies for her bus trip.

Three weeks later

"Nothing!" Was all Christopher could think of. No one had seen or heard from Raven. Not even her brother. Maybe she knew he would use him to get to her. Was it honorable? Hell no, but she would be back safe with him. He felt as though he was going crazy with his lack of sleep. He had nightmares every night thinking about what happened to her. He ran his hands through his hair as he thought, "I should have took her and just ran. Away from this life and chaos." He wouldn't give up. Never.
Raven held her breath as she watched the dreaded second pink line show up on the pregnancy test. She nervously bit her lip as she thought, "How about four out of five..? Oh who am I kidding.. Shit! I know how this happened, but I'm going to ask it anyway.." Another voice answered, "All aboard for Pound Town..!"

Raven laughed, but it turned into sobs as she covered her eyes, "Oh God I miss him.."

She wiped the tears from her face and headed to the lawyers office that she was employed with. As she past a local bakery, a smell that she usually found appetizing sent her stomach into full blown nausea. She ran to a near by trash can and threw up her morning breakfast. When she turned back to the sidewalk, she bumped into a familiar face.

Luka stood shocked, "Holly fuck! Raven?!"

Raven shook her head as she backed away, "Oh no... Stay away Luka.."

She quickly walked down the street as her eyes searched for Christopher's face. Who knew if he was close by.

Luka immediately speed dialed his boss, "Your not going to believe this."

Raven ran into the office and started to box up her things. She gasped as she turned to the sound of the door closing and locking.

Raven slowly stepped back until her back hit the office brick wall, "Please Mr. Smalls, I just want to get my things and go." She swallowed hard as his evil smile spread across his lips.

Raven had been fighting his passes from the get go, but she desperately need the job.

After receiving Lukas phone call, Christopher thanked God that he was in the area to spot new territory opportunities. When he reached the run down office, he could hear crying and screaming coming from the other side of the door. He snapped as he kicked it in, "Honey I'm home." When he saw Raven on her knees with a busted lip, he turned to the prick that had her by the hair. "Time to fuck him up.", he thought to himself.


After the long car ride home, he tried to help a pale,  skinny, frail Raven from the SUV, but she pushed his hand away. She hugged herself as she made her way up to her room. She peeled off her bloody clothes and started a hot shower. She stood in a daze as the violent scene from the office played over and over inside her head. She pressed her eyes closed as she wondered what he was going to do to her, to their child?

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