Chapter 1

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Harry's p.o.v.

I woke up at 6 a.m. starving. I have to wait until midnight to eat though because a small group of college students will be coming to the where house tonight. I can not wait to taste their flesh. When I came here, the monsters put a curse on me making me only want to eat flesh. Sadly, I can't eat human food, just human flesh. I also can never leave here because the monsters from the dark put a 'spell' on the house so that once you are in, you can't ever get out. I tried to escape a few times, but when they caught me, they stabbed and cut me with knives. the best thing about this place, the dark. the monsters made my eyes fully black so I can see in the dark. It comes in handy when you have to eat people.

Tessa's p.o.v.

"Come on! Tessa you have to go in. I want to see the creatures that live there!" Tom says to me while pointing to the where house in front of him.

"It's abandoned for a reason Tom." I say really not wanting to go in there.

"What? Afraid the monster will get ya?" He says to me.

"Yeah. pretty much." I say. There is also a killer in there. He killed his parents and his aunt. if he killed them, he can kill anyone. "I'm not going in there." I tell him.

"Is someone scared? I thought you were human. Not a chicken. Bak bak." Tom smirks.

"Fine asshole. I'll go." I say as my heart starts beating faster.

"Now that's the Tessa I know." He says and Jayson, Kayla, Zack and Tom walk in and I follow.

The door slammed behind us as soon as we walked in. Each one of has a flashlight. I turn mine on and follow Tom. I am scared so I am really close to him.

"Can you get any closer? We are practically hugging." Tom says and I back up.

"Sorry." I whispered as we walked into a really dark room. The door slammed shut and I moved my flashlight around the room. All I saw was a shadow. Which I guess was Toms. All of a sudden I heard a noise that sounded as if a body was thrown against the wall. I heard another sound that sounds like someone screaming in pain. I point my flashlight to where the scream was and I see Tom bleeding. "You see this is why I didn't want to come in here!" I yell at Tom and he looks at me then his eyes go wide.

"Then why did you come in the house?" a deep voice says in my right ear making me jump. "Now now. there's no reason to be scared." he tells me and he has his hands wrapped around my stomach pulling my body close to his.

"Who are you?" I ask the man and he digs his face into my neck.

"My name is Harry. you still didn't answer my question. why did you come in the house if you didn't want to?" He asked me again. Kissing my neck.

"I hardly know you." I tell him and I hear Tom cry. "Tom are you okay?" I ask him and shine the light near him and he looks at me.

"She is my friend. Can you please stop being nice when you are going to do to her the same you did to me." Tom tells Harry.

"You don't know that and shut the fuck up!" Harry yells at Tom and Tom looks down. "Now answer my question!" Harry yelled at me.

"Tom called me a chicken and was annoying me so I went in so he would stop bothering me." I say.

"So he hurt your feelings?!" Harry says loudly and I feel him pulling me into another room and closing the door. "I will be right back." he tells me and closes the door and leaves.

Harry's p.o.v.

"You fucking hurt her feelings! I hope you know I am going to kill you and make you pay for what you did." I tell him.

"Shouldn't you pay for what you did." He fires back.

"Feisty one aren't ya? I am paying for what I've done. Do you think I wanted to look like this?" I say as I turn the lamp on that was on a table next to Tom letting him take a good look at what I look like. "Satisfied?" I ask him as he stares at me with wide eyes.

"You l-look s-scary." he says. I love fear. It's my strength.

"Good. makes my job a whole lot easier." I tell him.

"What do you d-do?" he stutters.

"Kill humans when they come here and eat their flesh. They walk into their own death trap going into an abandoned where house. It's abandoned for a reason you know." I say. Remembering Tessa's words when she was outside talking to Tom. I am going to kill him. I just like to make my prey scared.

"Please please please don't eat me. Eat my friends instead and let me go. I have a reason to live. I have a girlfriend and I"

"Who?" I ask cutting him off.

"Does it matter?" he says to me.

"Yes it does!" I yell.

"Tessa." he said and I punched him in the face. Once I punched him once, I couldn't stop. picturing him and Tessa kissing made me want to hurt him even more. when I snapped out of my thoughts, I saw and watched him bleed. I got my knife out and slit his throat.

"I got my dinner. Now get yours." I told the monsters and they killed everyone except for Tessa. They can see everything and read my mind and know that I don't want her dead and they are allowing her to live. Thank god! I rip off Toms arms first and then his legs then his head and eat them. I eat every piece of him savoring every bit of it.

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