Chapter 18

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Tessa's p.o.v.

As I'm running all I'm thinking about is Harry. Why didn't he run after me? Does he care? No. I have to stop thinking about him. I can't even see right because of my stupid fucking tears. As I keep running all I see are these two lights moving fast......

Harry's p.o.v.

I can't believe what I'm about to do. "Louis? Is it okay if I go outside for a while? I need to pick our next victims." I ask...well lie.

"How long will you be?" he asks me like I fucking know.

"Uh probably an hour or two or maybe even three I don't fucking know!" I say. I probably could have seemed nicer but whatever.

"Well, I need to know how long." Louis says

"Probably 14 hours give or take." I say and Louis sighs.

"Fine. Only for 14 hours no later." he says

"Okay." I say and leave. I run out the door and keep running until I see a car and a body on top of it. As I get closer I recognize the body and tears start falling down my face. This can't be real. This has to be a dream. The guy in the passengers seat has a little blood on his head but not much. I pound on the guys window until it breaks. So I just had to hit it twice.

"What the fuck dude!" the guy screams

"No not what the fuck me. You were the one who fucking hit my girlfriend you son of a bitch!" I scream at him and grab hold of his leather jacket through the window.

"Dude don't touch me." the man says

"Get out of the fucking car. Now." I say. I'm fucking pissed right now. This is all my fucking fault. If I didn't say those mean things to her she wouldn't have left and she would not have gotten hit by a fucking car!

"Okay dude. Just chill." the guy says to me and gets out of his car.

"What's your name?" I ask. He just stares at me. "What's your fucking name?!" I yell.

"Sam." he says

"Well Sam, call 911 and I'll see if..." I stop. I can't think like that right now. She is not dead. No. She's not.

"Okay...wait no I can't." Sam says

"What do you mean you can't?" I yell

"I was the one who hit her so I'll get in trouble." he says

"Not my problem now is it?" I say. "call the number now." I add. He looks at me and sighs then pulls his phone out.


"It's ringing." he tells me and I go near Tessa. Her head has blood on it and her arm has blood and her leg is cut. I can't believe this fucking happened. I can see she's breathing.

"Okay she's alive that's good." I say and Sam pulls out a gun. oh you have got to be kidding me.

"Well that sucks. I thought I could kill her by hitting her with my car. I guess I'll just have to shoot her." he sighs and pulls the trigger and I block Tessa so she won't get shot.

I watch the bullet hit the ground on my left. This guy has the worst aim ever. I get Tessa's phone out of her pocket and call 911. they will be here soon. I turn around to see Sam bolting away. People are so funny sometimes. The cops and ambulance got here in 10 minutes. They put Tessa in the ambulance and I got to ride with.


The next morning..................

Tessa's p.o.v.

I open my eyes and see Harry right by my side holding my hand.

"Are you feeling better?" he asks

"I guess...I'm still sore and my leg hurts the most." I say

"You had a piece of glass stuck in your leg and they had to take it out. You had to get stitches. I'm sorry" he says to me

"It's not your fault I got hit. Its my fault for not thinking to wait to cross the road. It's not your fault Harry." I tell him

"It is though. if I hadn't yelled at you or have said those mean things to you, you wouldn't be here. You would be with me. And you would be fine." he says and starts to cry. "I love you." he adds

"I love you too, Harry." I tell him.



I know this was a short chapter and it wasn't super great. sorry. Please keep reading and voting and please comment! Love ya xx

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