Chapter 5

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Harry's p.o.v.

When I look at the clock it is 6:00 in the fucking morning! I will just try to go back to bed. I hear a knife click and I get up and fall to the ground. "Shit" I say.

"Oh. I'm so sorry Harry. I guess my knife just slipped out of my hand and hit your leg." I hear a voice say from the room. "It's cutting your leg. that means he really likes you." the voice says again. Louis voice.

"Very funny Lou. Turn the light on now and help me clean this off." I say.

"No, I think I'm gonna let you bleed to death...oh right that's isn't possible since you are already dead." he says with a big smirk plastered in his face.

"I'm not dead. I just died and I came back to Jesus I suppose." I say returning the smirk.

"I hate you" he says and I smile.

"Like wise now help me get cleaned up." I tell Louis and he helps me up and helps me get cleaned up.

"Thanks." I murmured and he smiled and left. Why is he so mad? oh shit! Is he gonna make Tessa like him as hate me?!

Louis p.o.v.

"Hey Tessa! You know Harry just told me that he is trying to get you to love him so he can kill you. He wants to kill you an easier way and what is easier than getting you to love and trust your killer? I just thought you should know." I tell her and walk closer to her.

"Thank you for letting me know." she tells me and hugs me. this is just way too easy. All I want to do is sleep with her and I can't do that if she likes Harry. okay, and I also want to kill her, but I can't help it. Next thing I know she kisses me and we are making out. I heard a door open and slam shut but she doesn't care so why should I?

Harry's p.o.v.

I can't believe what I'm seeing with my own eyes. My so called 'friend' is making out with Tessa. I know he knows I love her which is probably why he is doing it! He better not do anything to hurt her or I will kill that mother fucker. Next thing I knew I was on top of Louis and choking him. I hit him pretty hard in his eye and nose and lip but I am not satisfied. tisk tisk tisk. you had to just let your anger get the best of you. well guess what? you can't kill me. Louis says to me in my head. I hate that he can frickin control me! it's not fair! I hate him. I don't listen to him all the time. Like he told me to kill Tessa and I didn't....oh no. he wants her dead. he is going to claim her then kill her! are you fucking kidding me!

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