chapter 16

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Harry's p.o.v.

"now Harry, do you care to explain why there is a hole in my wall?" Louis asks me.

"Listen dick, I don't have to explain myself to you and I won't." I tell him

"Tessa, could you please give us a moment." Louis asks my fucking Tessa. She better not leave me.

"Sure." Tessa replies. "I'll be right outside if you need me." Tessa tells me. Okay I can do this. I can be nice to Louis. I can. I have to. For Tessa.

As soon as Tessa walks out of the room and closes the door Louis opens his mouth.

"you little fucker! I can't believe you punched a hole in my fucking wall. I think you ruined your last chance." Louis says.

"No, I didn't because I didn't hit you. She will only leave me if I hit you or hit anyone else for that matter." I say.

"Well I think the idea of giving you a second chance is stupid." Louis says

"too bad your not the one who gets to decide how many chances I get." I say to him. I hate him so fucking much. I want to smash his face in, but I can't because I don't want to and can't ruin my last chance. Only because if I do, I know she will never ever take me back. thats right Harry. She will never ever take you back if you mess this up but oh trust me you will and when you do I will be right there for her. I will be the shoulder she crys on and the one she falls asleep with and the one who gets to fuck her. Louis says to me. "Theres No fucking way that's happening!" I yell and Tessa walks in.

"what happened?" she asks

"you wanna know what happened? Louis here said"

"That you are beautiful." Louis interrupts me.

"No. Louis said that if or when we break up he is going to be the one who gets to fuck you." I say and Tessas' mouth falls open.

"Louis said what? Louis you don't even know if Harry and I are going to break up." Tessa says to Louis

"I know, look Tessa I'm sorry that Harry is lying to you. I mean I would never say anything like that. I mean you know me and I would never say anything like that. I just think that since Harry here can't hurt me, he is trying to get you to stay away from me by lying to you. That's just what I think." Louis says to Tessa

"I dont think that Harry would lie to me." Tessa says but I can tell that she is unsure about her answer. Dammit. how doesn't she know that I will never lie to her?

"well think again because he keeps lying to you." Louis says and Tessa looks at me then looks at Louis then back at me. What on earth is she thinking about?

Tessa p.o.v.

I just can't tell who I should trust. My heart is telling me Harry, but then what Louis is saying about why Harry would lie to me makes perfect sense. I just don't know who to believe.


that is the end of this chapter. I know it was pretty short. I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while it's just that I have school and homework and projects and it's a lot of work. I'll try to update as many times as I can. Please comment and vote and please keep reading. Love ya xxx

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