Chapter 17

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(Back to what happened in the last part of chapter 16)

"I dont think that Harry would lie to me." Tessa says but I can tell that she is unsure about her answer. Dammit. how doesn't she know that I will never lie to her?

"well think again because he keeps lying to you." Louis says and Tessa looks at me then looks at Louis then back at me. What on earth is she thinking about?

Tessa p.o.v.

I just can't tell who I should trust. My heart is telling me Harry, but then what Louis is saying about why Harry would lie to me makes perfect sense. I just don't know who to believe.

Harry's p.o.v.

Wait.....why can't I read Tessa's mind right now?........I can't know what she's thinking? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?! I swear to god if Louis is behind this....wait no. Maybe he is trying to make me mad and think I can't read her mind so I freak out and take my anger out on Louis and I lose Tessa. That's exactly what he wants! Well I won't let it happen. "Uhm Tessa? Could I talk to you for a minute?" I ask her.

"Sure." she says

We walk out of Louis's room and I close his door and look at Tessa. She looks so confused. "Why are you confused?" I ask

"I just don't know who to......." she trails off.

"You just don't know who to believe?" I ask

"Not just that. It is also trust." she says

"Why can't you trust me? I didn't lie to you. Louis keeps lying to you. I don't." I tell her and hold both of her hands. I can't believe she doesn't fucking trust me. But I mean if I was her I don't think I'd trust me either. If I was her I wouldn't even give a guy like me more than one chance, but gladly I'm not her.

Tessa's p.o.v.

"It's not that I can't trust you. It's just that.....Louis doesn't really seem like a total bad guy. He's nice to me. I know you two have your differences and"

"Differences? No. We just plain hate each other. We can't stand each other. We have one thing in common that drives us both mad. We both like you." he cuts me off.

"Are you blaming me for you two fighting all of the time? It's my fault? it's not like I'm telling you two to beat the shit out of each other. It's not like I told you two to hurt each other. It's not like"

"Tess, I didn't mean it like that. I'm sorry it came out that way. I love you and he wants me to be miserable and he also wants to fuck you then kill you, which he knows will piss me off. That's just what Louis loves to do." he cuts me off again.

"Okay you seriously have to stop cutting me off." I say out loud. shit.

"What?.....oh sorry were you done talking?" he asks in a pissed off tone. I didn't mean to get him mad.

"I'm sorry..." he says. Why did he apologize? "I'm sorry that I can't be the great guy your looking for. And I hope you know that there is no such thing as the perfect guy. So I'm sorry to ruin your imagination about perfect guys and fairy tale endings. But they do not exist." he says. I can't believe I fucking gave him one last chance.

"You know what? Fuck you Harry! Fuck you. I don't need you. I don't need to take your crap. We are done." I say to him and leave. I leave the fucking where house. By this point I don't give a fuck if the creatures kill me or not. I'm not being anywhere near Harry or Louis for that matter. Fuck everybody in that fucking where house.

Harry's p.o.v.

Tessa's words are still playing in my head. "We are done" those three words killed me. Knocked the wind right out of me and I couldn't run after her and ask her for her forgiveness and stop her from leaving because I froze like a statue. I couldn't move or talk. My mind was going but my body wouldn't fucking cooperate. I can't believe she left. She left me for good and she won't come back because she's pissed at me. Are you fucking kidding me?! I need to find her! I have to get her back. I won't let her go. I can't. I won't. I fucking love her!


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