chapter 19

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Harry's p.o.v.

"Tessa, the man who hit you with his car...his name is Sam. He wanted to kill you." I tell Tessa and I start tearing up. why are you crying? Today is an upsetting day for me. I'm not a baby I'm just upset. She was suppose to get hurt. She left the where house. When you leave the where house without permission you get hurt, well your suppose to die. But Sam forgot how to shoot. Louis says to me In my head. Louis you didn't. So wait a second you knew she got hit and you didn't tell me? I wanted you to see for yourself. your sick Louis you know that? and your talking to me in your head. Fuck.

"why did he mean to hurt me? I don't know a Sam. Harry this doesn't make any sense." tess tells me.

"You left the house so you were suppose to die." how the fuck did Louis get Sam to hurt her? wait, Louis probably got inside his head. God I hate Louis. And I hate you too. FUCK

"I thought one of the creatures in the house would hurt me." Tessa says

"Me too, but I guess some people in the house like Louis, would get an outsider to do the dirty work. Louis told me in my head so I know it was him." I say

"Oh." is all Tessa can say.

"Are we still done?" I ask. I just need to know.

"Yes....I don't know....maybe." she says. I knew I shouldn't have brought it up.

"do you think we can ever get back together?" I say

"It depends on how everything goes. I think we can get back together, just not right now." she says

"okay. how about now?" I ask

"Harry, maybe in a week or two or maybe even in a month we can get back together." she says

"Oh...okay." is all I can say and I watch Tessa close her eyes and try to go back  to bed.

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