Chapter 10 - Renounce

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"Allison's father tried to kill me."

Scott was in a daze. He only had this one fact stuck in his head, playing on repeat. He turned on his heels and walked to the locker room. People were talking to him, but he couldn't focus on their voices.

"Allison's father tried to kill me."

Scott rested his head against the cold metal of his locker. He was trying hard not to freak out, as he recalled the hunter's calm demeanor after he just shot a complete stranger with a crossbow. Scott shivered at the memory and tried to focus on his breathing.

"Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in--"

"Scott? Scott, what are you doing?"

A voice brought Scott back to reality. Stiles was shaking his shoulder and obnoxiously snapping his fingers in front of the werewolf's face.

"Scott, did you apologize to Allison?"

"Yeah," Scott answered automatically.

"Is she giving you a second chance or--"


Yeah?" Stiles exclaimed, his eyebrows going up, "Alright, so everything is good!"

"No..." Scott contradicted. "Remember, the hunters? Her Dad is one of them."

This made Stiles froze, "Her Dad?"

"...shot me..."

"Allison's father?"

"...with a crossbow," Scott finished.

Stiles slightly gasped. He was trying to process the information but it was as if his brain refused to accept the idea.

"Allison's father?"

"YES, her father!" Scott yelled. He panicked, "Oh my God..."

The werewolf was losing it. He started shaking his head, whining. Stiles lightly slapped his face, in a very awkward attempt to get Scott to snap out of it.

"Scott? Scott? You okay?" Stiles spoke rapidly, "He didn't recognize you, right?"

"No... No, I don't think so."

"Does she know about him?" Stiles asked.

"Oh, yeah," Scott's eyes widened in realization, "What if she does? This is gonna kill me, man!"

Scott went back to panicking. Seeing that, Stiles tried to change what was on his friend's mind.

"Okay, okay, just focus on lacrosse for now! Okay?" Stiles then started picking up pieces of Scott's lacrosse equipment that he had dropped in his daze and handed them to him. "That's all you gotta do, alright?" Scott just nodded.

"Here. We. Go," Stiles added, punctuating each word with a not-so-light punch on Scott's shoulder.

Stiles then got out of the locker room, joining the other players on the field. Coach was already yelling orders and blowing his whistle. The teens were running around the field in an organized chaos, lacrosse sticks in hand. As usual, Coach was taking out his anger on Greenberg and punctuated the training with outbursts such as "Greenberg, take a lap!" or "Run faster, Greenberg!" but no one on the team really paid attention -- it was business as usual.

Jackson was on the field as well, a long stick in hand. He was playing defense. The teen was extremely focused and had his mind set on not letting anyone pass. He was succeeding, slowly discouraging the attacking players but securing his status as team captain in Coach's eyes. Jackson looked at the line of attacking players, searching for Scott -- or just "McCall", as he usually called the other teen. He could not wait to tackle that fraud to the ground and watch his reputation crumble. He quickly glanced to the bleachers, seeing Lydia and Allison side by side. That made the boy smirk. He was going to destroy Scott, and Allison would witness it all.

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