Ch. 7 - Angel Begins Her Scene With Master Adam

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Adam had studied the survey and information Patrick had sent him on Angie and hoped the Introduction Scene wouldn't be as frustrating as his one with Stephanie. From the survey, as long as she had filled it out truthfully, it seemed like it should be an enjoyable scene for him. And from the amount of question marks and indications of "never tried, would like to" answers she'd given, he assumed she was being truthful. Stephanie's survey had been full of confidence that she would like her fantasies, Angie obviously didn't have much experience but wanted to try a whole lot.

He was okay with that.

Especially because going by the survey, she was interested in trying a lot of his favorite things. There was nothing more Adam liked than playing with a woman's ass and Angie had indicated she was familiar with and enjoyed anal play and sex. From the survey she looked a lot more compatible to him than Stephanie, so he'd tried building up his anticipation on the drive over.

It almost worked. At least he wasn't dreading the evening. When he stepped into the club Jared grinned at him in an encouraging way, which was good. Lexie was behind the desk, her expression rather grumpy. She looked at him in surprise as he approached.

"I thought Andrew was doing the Intro scene tonight."

"He had to take Iris to the airport."

Lexie scowled. "Nice of Patrick to let me know."

"You two need to learn how to play nicely," he teased.

"I will if he will," she retorted. Adam just grinned. He wasn't one hundred percent proof positive Lexie had feelings for Patrick that went well beyond sisterly, and Patrick was fighting his own feelings when it came to her, but lately it seemed more and more likely.

Which was a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

Just then, Patrick stuck his head out the door. "Jared..." His eyes swept around the room and landed on Adam. "Oh hey, good you're here. Never mind Jared."

Adam walked around the desk, heading for Patrick.

"I've got a situation downstairs... Tom offered Ellie a club contract last week but she refused."

"Of course she did. Ellie never signs club contracts." In fact she was almost as well-known as Andrew around the club for her refusal to participate in anything even resembling any kind of relationship. Which was why they most often partnered each other to play, especially since Ellie was a masochist and Andrew was a sadist. They could satisfy themselves without making any move towards something more. Even Adam had had some short club contracts since Brooke, usually not lasting more than a month and he'd never been interested in taking them outside of the club or extending them. But he had them.

Club contracts were for people who wanted to play inside the club, exclusively with each other, for a certain amount of time. Some could last up to a year or more if the participants felt they had the right chemistry. The contracts clearly outlined what was expected of each party, but they only existed for inside the club. It was for those people who wanted stability in their play but weren't interested in a relationship outside of the scene.

"Yeah but she's been scening with him a lot lately, I think he got his hopes up."

Adam snorted. To his knowledge, Andrew and Ellie were rather unique in that they never signed club contracts. They only scened. Still it had been obvious to most of them that Tom was more than a little interested in Ellie; if she really had been scening with him on a regular basis then he could understand how the man got his hopes up. They had good chemistry, although he sometimes thought Tom might be a little softer on her than she wanted.

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