Ch. 19 - Angel Spends Time With Master Adam's Friends

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"Crap... crap... crap... why is everything I have to wear crap?" Angel half-wailed, yanking off yet another shirt that had looked perfectly fine on the hanger and yet wasn't at all what she wanted once she put it on. The V-neck of her purple sweater seemed too low, the black jeans were too tight with her pink shirt, the blue cardigan made her look like she had ten extra pounds on her stomach, and it was too damn cold out to wear a skirt or dress. Which would probably be too fancy anyway.

When the phone rang it was a welcome relief, even though it was playing Wyclef Jean's "Take Me As I Am," which meant Leigh was finally calling her. Angel might not be super thrilled about Leigh and Michael getting back together, even if she'd expected it, but even listening to Leigh gush happily (like she always did when she and Michael worked something out) was preferable to trying on yet another fail outfit.

"Hey baby."

"Hey baby!" The happy, lilting note in Leigh's voice was always good to hear, even though Angel no longer trusted in Michael's ability to make it last. "How are you?"

"I'm good, although I think the more pertinent question is, how are you?"

"Good. Wonderful. Michael and I had a really long talk and I think it really helped. He's just worried about being able to provide for me and provide for a family and I think he realizes now that a lot of his anxieties are in his head."

"Does this mean you're engaged?"

Leigh laughed. "No. Not yet. But we talked about it and he says when he proposes he wants it to be absolutely perfect."

The warm wistful tone made Angel want to smack Leigh on the back of the head. She knew very well that all Leigh wanted was to be engaged and married, she wouldn't care if Michael did some broad, sweeping gesture when he proposed. Which meant, once again, Leigh was setting aside what she really wanted in favor of letting Michael put off proposing for even longer. Angel wondered how much time he'd be able to wring out of "putting together the perfect proposal." Months, probably. Leigh was too patient and understanding for her own good sometimes.

"So what's your idea of a perfect proposal?"

"Oh, just something small and sweet..." The wistfulness was back in full force. "I'd love it if he did it this spring during the cherry blossom festival. He knows how much I love cherry blossoms. Or, maybe at the restaurant when he first told me he loved me."

Yeah, Michael knew how much Leigh loved cherry blossoms, but it was Angel who went with her to see them every year. For Leigh, a perfect proposal would include Michael actually going to the festival with her. He'd been once, the entire time they were together, back when he and Leigh were in college. Since then he'd always found a reason not to go.

But she wasn't going to voice her theories. Maybe he would prove her wrong and Leigh's optimism would be proven right. Either way, Angel had learned from experience that being negative would only make Leigh defensive.

"That would be sweet."

"Yeah... so what have you been up to this weekend? How was Stronghold and Master Adam?"

Although she was a little suspicious about Leigh's abrupt change of subject, Angel told her friend all about the tumultuous events of the past forty-eight hours. It felt good to vent about her jealousy and her uncertainties, even though Adam had reassured her on that measure. Talking it through with a friend was always helpful. Especially when said friend was pretty sure the guy in question was wild for you.

Angel wasn't sure she completely believed that—or maybe her doubt was just her inner cynicism coming through—but it was nice to hear. It was funny, she wasn't cynical about much except her love life... but she didn't really consider it cynical. Just cautious. Assuming things about a guy's feelings was always dangerous. Of course, she'd proved it this weekend when she'd made an assumption to protect herself from future hurt.

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