Ch. 14 - Master Adam & Angel Both Struggle Separately

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The Dixie Chicks blared from Angel's iPod speakers as she tried to concentrate on her latest project—a corset for Lexie. It was going to be the exact same shade of blue as Lexie's eyes, which would look electric against all her black hair. Although Lexie had a very different body shape from Angel's, with much less in the boob department and a flatter stomach, so Angel had changed the pattern slightly to accommodate for that. Lexie's breasts didn't need a shelf so much as something to just gently cup and present them. A little smile flitted across Angel's face as she thought about how much it would piss off all of Lexie's "big brothers" to see her in such a garment, because she was pretty sure there was no way Lexie would want one of the high-necked shirts Angel had worn when she'd donned the same corset for a night at Stronghold.

Pissing off Lexie's big brothers sounded pretty good right now.

Well, okay, really only one of them. The others were kind of innocent bystanders, but she didn't care if this drew their ire as well. Right now she was feeling a bit pissy.

It was Tuesday evening, three days since her visit to Stronghold, and all she could think about was Master Adam. Mostly she thought about how incredibly humiliating it was to have begged him to fuck her and basically be rejected, although logically she knew he couldn't really have done anything else. She was more upset about her own loss of control and letting him know how much she wanted him when she didn't have any kind of idea as to his own feelings.

After their scene, their incredibly intense and soul-baring scene, he'd delivered her back upstairs to Mike without a single qualm. Hadn't seemed bothered when Mike had taken one look at her and declared he was driving them home. Hadn't said anything other than good night—although there had been a hot, intense look in his eyes when he'd said it—and then let her go!

The next morning she'd tormented herself wondering what he'd done after she'd left the club, because goodness knows he hadn't gotten off with her... and she'd been well aware while they were cuddling in the aftercare area he'd been hard as a rock. So what do you think he did?

Shut up!

It wasn't something she wanted to think about. She wouldn't think about it. Because she had no claim on him and whatever he did once she left, he was perfectly within his rights to do so. They just scened together. They hadn't kissed or anything. He hadn't even asked for her phone number.

But some part of her mind insisted the scene had been more than just a scene and she hadn't imagined the incredible intimacy that had sprung from it.

"She held Wanda's hand and they worked out a plan

And it didn't take them long to decide... that Earl had to die...


Singing along with the slightly cheery, slightly angry country music helped a little bit. Gave her a bit of an outlet to vent some frustration. Unfortunately, she didn't really have another arena where she could do that at the moment because she hadn't had a self-defense class today. Yesterday had been good, but today she'd woken up with a bunch of pent-up energy she really needed to work off.

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