Ch. 24 - Master Adam Meets the Parents

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Shifting nervously by the door to Adam's house, Angel tapped her foot impatiently. Not that they were late yet, but she was just feeling the build-up of nerves she always did before introducing her parents to a guy. Both of them were going to be at the studio today; which she'd warned Adam about over breakfast this morning.

Her cheeks warmed with pleasure when she thought about breakfast. Eaten naked. Definitely not something she'd done before. Last night he'd ended up getting her bag out of her car so he could give her a ride from Stronghold to his house. She really had meant to take her own car, but after the intense scene she'd been all too happy to let him talk her into coming in his instead. They were going back to Stronghold tonight, after all, and she could take it over to his place from there.

After they'd gotten back to Adam's place last night, he'd gotten her into the shower where he'd been extremely gentle about removing the plug he'd put in her ass and then cleaning off her entire body. With his hands and some soap, rather than using any of the cloths he had hanging in there. And then she'd returned the favor. Which had led to the first shower sex she'd ever enjoyed.

Adam had a really nice shower stall, with a ledge, non-skid tiling, and for the first time she hadn't felt like she was about to fall down and possibly break her leg in the middle of sex in the shower.

Waking up this morning, with her ass snuggled up to a pretty prominent erection, had been rather nice too. Although, to her surprise he hadn't done anything with it before getting out of bed and cooking her breakfast. Which had also been really nice.

French toast and scrambled eggs with diced fruit on the side. Yum. She wasn't normally a breakfast person really, but after last night she had been starving.

After a nice, leisurely breakfast she'd glanced at the clock and realized she needed to get ready to go to the dance studio. Which was when the nerves had set in again. If they left now they'd be there twenty minutes earlier than she needed to be, which she didn't really want, but she just wanted to get there and get this over with. Similar to how she felt on opening nights, actually. Little bit of stage fright over her parents meeting Adam maybe?

Yeah. Just a little. She had to admit to herself that he wasn't the kind of guy she normally dated. He was bigger, badder and more in control and a lot more focused than any of her past boyfriends. Trying to figure out how her carefree and eccentric parents and he would react to each other was nerve-wracking to say the least.

When her phone buzzed, she went for it right away. Definitely better than heckling Adam to hurry up when he didn't actually need to in order for them to be on time.

Hey honey! What are you up to tonight?

Angel grimaced. She hadn't gotten to hang out with Leigh all week and she missed her friend, but she knew Adam really wanted to see his friends tonight too. And, honestly, now that Leigh was back together with Michael, Angel would rather spend time getting to know Adam's friends than having to play nice with Michael.

Going to Stronghold; we're meeting Adam's friends there and hanging out. What's up?

Aw, I was hoping we could maybe do a double date.

She made a face. Somehow she couldn't see Adam and Michael getting along very well, but maybe that's just because she was biased.

Can't tonight... maybe next weekend?

We're gonna be at Michael's parents next weekend. We'll figure out a time.

Ok. Miss you!

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