Chapter 1: Edited

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Harry's pov:

I  cant believe I got shot, I mean I could of took him. Hold up, Where am I? Did I die? I stumble around through the white mist unable to see my own hand in front of me.

" Yes Harry you did the bullet went straight through your heart and they didn't get to you fast enough."

What but there is so many things I have- , he cut my thought off. "Harry this is the in-between world. You still have a purpose on earth if you can complete that then you get to continue living."

"Your task is simple fall in love in a year's time or you have to face the wrath of underworld."

" How am I suppose to fall in love no ones going to want me I mean I have tattoos, piercings, and I am not exactly friendly, cant I just get another one."


With that poof he was gone and a cloud of black mist was left behind. Well then so rude of him to just poof in here and tell me what to do, I am a busy guy.... well I was anyway. Hmm how do I um " apply" as he put it. A desk and a lady appeared in front of me just as I thought that, well that is convenient.

" HARRY STYLES ARE YOU HERE TO APPLY!" Doesn't she see me right here in front of her face. I think she heard that comment because she screeched, " DON'T YOU GET SMART WITH ME YOUNG MAN!"

"Sorry" I mumble while walking up to the cherry stain desk.

" OK let me explain how this is going to go. You have a year to fall in love and if you cant you will be stuck in the underworld as a slave and you can never return. Do not try to pass off any ole' girl because we will know if it is true love and if it isn't then the amount of time you have will be shortened got it" she snapped.

" yes ma'am" I Saluted.

The desk and crazy woman with the annoying loud voice and creepy mole that was surely sprouting a few hairs disappeared from sight and I found my self in front of a massive head stone.  It was neatly decorated with nice smooth grey marble and only a small bit of moss covered the groomed stone. I could tell this one from all the others because...... it was my  mom's she was in a car accident and she didn't make it but me and my sister Gemma made it , well just Gemma now but you get what I mean. I wondered out of the grave yard to find a small bright cheerful yellow house right next to it.

It was such a contrast that I did a double take. It had bright white shudders that looked freshly painted. The windows were as clear as day. The grass was a deep forest green and cut to perfection. I suddenly felt compelled to go to the door. Following my instincts I stroll over to the door and pick up the heavy brass knocker and drop letting it slam on the oak door.

" Coming, give me a sec" I hear a voice call out. I wait impatiently for the door to open. The door opens and an average looking girl came poking her head out a look of shock passed through her before she slammed the door and run away from the doorway. she had plain features but something about her compelled me.

In a desperate attempt to get in I reach my hand out to pound on the door again when my hand just went right though it like it was air and not a solid door. WHAT!?! I look at my large hands and take note of how translucent they look. I smirk and step through the door just like I thought I could. COOL I'M LIKE CASPER THE FRIENDLY GHOST!

I run up stairs in the direction that I heard screams and panicked breathing. I open the first door on the right and see her curled up rocking back and forth. SHIT I MUST OF SCARED HER.

" Hey um I am sorry I didn't mean to scare you just hear me out please."

" You have one minute go" she sternly said.

" Ok I know you are going to find this hard to believe but I died and I have to find love or else I will be stuck in the underworld forever and I want you to help me."

" How can I help you I don't even know what to do I obviously have never been in a situation like this before."

" Please I will do anything just at least think about you don't even have to promise" I say probably looking ridiculous because I am trying to pout with piercings in my face.

" I will think about it but I can't make any promises."

" Thanks ..... um do you have a place I can stay I don't really have any where to go" I say sheepishly.

" There is a bed in the basement come with me just be quiet because my parents might be here." We tip toe down the steps and race to the basement, I hop into bed and pull the covers up to my chin like a little kid.

She chuckled and said, " Night Harry."

" How do you my name?" I asked. " I have my ways" she stated.

" Hazel who are you talking to" a deep man's voice echoed. " Got to go bye Harry" she whispered. I watched her body slip out of the basement and up the stairs.

Well today has been .... eventful.

(A/N: Heyyyyy this is Kayla cuz its Tuesday and I update every Tuesday don't forget to comment vote, share and like thanks byeee)

***** Bailee here just edited this chapter 9/7/14 *****

Repeat (Harry Styles Short Story) Under ConstructionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz