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Hazel's pov:

Breathe in

Breathe out

Breathe in 

Breathe out

Harry and I finally got out this is it, were free!

" Hey Harry how do we get out of this forest" I asked.

" Simple we go through the  trees over there, I think it lets out onto a road."


 We ran and we ran until we finally got out and now all we had to do was find my house Harry won't be leaving we are together and we plan to stay that way. I love him and he loves me. That devil guy or whatever can't get us anymore because we are out of his fortress and Harry found his soul mate.

We rush as fast as we can and push the leaves away. Before us is a beautiful sight that one usually takes for granted.


In the heat of the moment I grabbed Harry's checks and kissed him.... HARD.

" woah welll that was unexpected, what was that for not that I'm complaining".

"we are free for good we are out and safe and.... and I just love you" 

"I love you too"



Harry and I are married he proposed when I 22. We have 1 kid who I got pregnant with on our honeymoon. It's a girl and her name is Gemma Anne after Harry's sister and mum and just turned 1 recently. Harry has a nice job and I do also I am a photographer I own my own business. We live in Chesire England where Harry grew up. Oh and I'm pregnant with our second child! We haven't had any more run in's with the devil and or kidnappings which we are thankful for. Harry surprisingly is really good with kids and you can defiantly say Nicole is a daddy's girl. We already know we are having a boy and his name will be Aidan Edward after Harry.


Author's Note 

We decided to change repeat into a short story and end it now before it became just plain off terrible because of us just repeating things over and over plus we didn't have enough time to update we have school and tests that have to be taken and we played volley ball their just wasn't any time. Also Kayla didn't want to and we have our own stories Kayla is restarting hers and mine is very successful so far with 1.3K reads with only about 20 chapters so I'm happy. When we first started this we thought we would have more ideas for this story and we didn't and we are sorry for that. But we hope you enjoyed what we gave you. Sorry for the shitty epilogue I just quickly wrote it and their isn't much to tell they escaped and then their lives after that which aren't really interesting they are soul mates you know they will never break up. Again sorry we hoped you liked the story overall though!  Goodbye for the last time. 

~~ Bailee and Kayla

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