Fun in the Pool

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Authors Note 

Hey guys Bailee here. Ok guys I'm really sorry I couldn't update on Friday I had a softball game and the stupid pitcher hit me and then my friend slept over and yesterday was my Uuncle's birthday and today is my grandmas and I have another softball game, so this chapter is going to be short because.... well you know I'm busy.



Harry POV

 I woke up the next morning happy and I slept really well last night so I'm guessing the nightmares went away.... for now. I got dressed and decided to go over to Hazel's house. She has been acting really weird and I don't know why. I knock on the door to Hazel's house and I hear Hazel yell coming. She opens the door and her hair is down and she dosen't have any make-up on. She is wearing shorts and a tank-top. God she is pretty and you can see her curves through her tank-top. I didn't notice I was staring until Hazel speaks up and says, "oh um hey Harry" but she doesn't seem very happy. "Oh hey Hazel" I say. It's only 11 and my date isn't until 8 tonight. I then say "so Hazel what are you doing?" she then said "I'm actually going to go swimming, you can come to if you want". I nod my head yes and follow her inside. She tells me to sit on the couch while she changes. I do as told and I sit there and wait. About 10 minutes later Hazel comes back in a tie-dye pink bikini. I couldn't stop staring at her body, she seemed to notice and started bouncing back and forth on her feet. I finally snapped out of it and followed her to her back yard to her pool. I thought was going to be some wuss and just put her feet in the pool but she went over to the diving board and dove straight in. When she came up from the water all of the little waves in her hair were straight and her blue eyes really popped. I stared at her in awe but luckily this time she didn't notice. Since I didn't have a bathing suit I striped down to my boxers. I caught her staring for a second but it didn't faze me. I ran over to the diving board and did a canon ball. Hazel was laughing, her laugh was beautiful and angelic. I went under the water and grabbed her leg and brought her under with me. When we came up she started laughing and hit me on the head. I went under the water and put her on my shoulders. She gasped and said "aren't I heavy?" and I said "no you very light what do weight like just 100" she shook and her head and laughed. The rest of the time we were in the pool we just messed around and had fun. By the time we got out it was 6:30. I had to leave and get ready for my date. When I said goodbye to Hazel she said bye, but right when I brought up my date a giant frown appeared on her face?


Author's Note

Ok guys I hope you like it. Kayla should update by at least Tuesday. Ok love you guys bye.

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